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Zoe's POV

I just made the fierce dragon lord shrek as the water turned cold. Ryker peeks his head out from the shower curtain. "You did that on purpose," said Ryker as he looked at me. "I heard a cold shower is good for the brain," I said with a smile. "Yeah, well, not pissing me off is good for your health" glared Ryker. "I'll keep that in mind" I said as my smile never faltered. He grunts at my sweet smile and he puts his head back in the shower and closes the curtain.

My eyes widen when his hand moves lower and begins to soap his cock. My jaw drops in disbelief. I swallowed a gasp I was holding. My connected wrist rubs up against his rock hard thigh as he thoroughly cleans himself. I knew he was doing this on purpose. He had to get back at me of course. I should have known this by now. A few minutes later Ryker gets out of the shower and wraps himself in a towel. I try not to notice the water droplets dripping down his defined abs.

"Your turn Zoe. I promise I won't peak" said Ryker. He was just being playful. "I don't believe a word you say" I said, staring back at him. He just brushes his hands through his wet hair. "You can't be trusted," I said to him trying to get the truth, playfully. "Okay, maybe I'll speak a little. Does that make you feel better?" he asked me. "You're ridiculous," I said, shaking my head. He doesn't think I have the guts to shower in front of him. He isn't the only one confident in his body. I step into the shower and take off everything I am wearing.

I throw it in front of him as he waits outside of the curtain. I quickly shower what needs to be done first. I know his peaking was not that short. I am the only woman he has been with through this short time. I knew by how his heart was racing earlier at the bar was not from him being nervous. I quickly finish and put my hair up in a bun. As I let him see my whole bareback. I hear the curtain brustle. I smile knowing I got him looking more than he wanted to like. I grab a towel and walk out of the shower. As I walk out of the bathroom I trip.

Ryker catches me and brings me up against his chest. Since he was standing here dripping wet the floor was slippery. Our eyes lock and I remember my threat to punch him if he ever kissed me again. Just as his lips are about to touch mine. There we hear a guttural dragon roar outside the window. "It's a dragon," I said knowing it was too close to the inn. Me and Ryker put on our clothes too busy to look at one another. Instantly we grabbed the weapons we had.

I run into the bedroom with Ryker behind me as a dragon shoots fire at the inn. The room fills with fire and smoke as the power radiates and burns everything. "Oh no, I recognize those dragons from my ex fiance's flight" I said in shock. "The one who fucked your stepmother?" asked Ryker as he saw more dragons in the distance. "Yes, what is Noah doing here?" I ask also, seeing his flight attack the entire hunter town. I didn't get why they would attack here.

"He can't imagine I'd marry him now?" I wondered if that's why he was here. "He may be back to make sure you're dead," said Ryker angrily. Ryker pulls me toward the window as Noah's dragon flies through the air. He is still burning everything in his path. "He seemed shocked that I had caught him," I said. "Just because he wasn't expecting you to catch him cheating doesn't mean he didn't help make you disappear that day" said Ryker protectively. "Did you know him well?" asked Ryker. "No. I had only met him one. Our marriage was an arrangement by my father" I said, telling Ryker the truth.

"I'm sure he helped your stepmother kill your father," said Ryker. "I'm positive Noah helped Emily kill my father" I said knowing he was there too. "Noah is known for his fighting abilities. It's one of the reasons my father chose him to be my future husband" I said. "Noah's not that great of a fighter" scuffed Ryker. Before I could say another word suddenly another dragon from Noah's flight shoots fire at the inn. "Zoe get down," yelled Ryker.

Ryker's POV

I pull Zoe to the ground and cover her with my body. I was even protecting her long hair that was in the bun. Even with the danger around us my body responds to Zoe's closeness. "Zoe, are you okay?" I say looking down at her. Her hands grip my shoulders as she buries her head in my shoulder. As she was close I smelled fire and her scent. Her scent drives me crazy. I've never been so affected by a dragon before. "I'm fine," she says as her green eyes look frantically.

Her eyes concentrated on mine again. "My biggest pain is you squeezing the breath out of me" she said. I stand and pull her to her feet. We had to get out of here. The smoke was too thick to breathe in. I had to get us out of here safely. I watched as her red hair fell down out of her bun. The inn was burning down. I had to stop thinking of Zoe for just a minute and come up with a plan. The more we stayed in this burning inn the more we put ourselves in danger.

I wish we could transform but the copper on our wrists stop us from shifting. Just yet again I felt useless as a human. I shook my head not breathing in the smoke. Zoe looked even more tired from breathing in the smoke. Her lungs and mine couldn't bear a dragon's smoke with only human strength. Yet again I was saving Zoe who I didn't know what to call her anymore. I hope that whatever is going on outside can actually help us.

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