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Zoe's POV

Leileena screamed in pain. She falls down and quickly pops back up and circles me. "You're not nearly as good as I thought you'd be," I told her. "Fuck you. I'll kill you" she said angrily. With a sneer Leileena quickly crouches on the ground trying to sweep my legs out from underneath me. I anticipated her move and jumped in the air avoiding her tactics.

"Ryker, I'm disappointed you don't train your dragons better than this" I said. I was enjoying this too much. "At least give me a worthy adversary to pass this test" I said looking at wounded Leileena. She was losing. "You're a great fighter Zoe" he said, stunned by me. I felt like a true victor in this flight competition.

"Your superiority over Leileena is only proof that you belong next to me as our flight's dragoness," said Ryker. "Maybe Zoe should fight someone more up to the task," said Victoria. The whole flight turns as Victoria, the dragon who claims she was engaged to Ryker steps forward. "Victoria, you're not part of our flight. You're not even allowed to be here" said Ryker. "I told her to come," said Matysa with a grin. Of course.

"I thought it only fair that the woman you were supposed to be engaged to would fight your current wife," said Ryker's little brother Matysa. Ryker grabs his brother by the shirt and pulls him aside. "What the fuck is wrong with you Matysa? You said you supported me" said Ryker angrily. "I do but I also said I don't support Zoe" said Matysa as he looked at me. "Why so sensitive, Ryker? Are you worried I'll run your scared little wife away" said Victoria, challenging us.

"Your pathetic attempt to win Ryker won't work" I said with a light laugh. "Even if I didn't marry Zoe, I still wouldn't have married you" said Ryker firmly. His eyes daggered at her. "Fighting her now won't do you any good" warned Ryker. "Yes it will. I don't care about marrying you anymore Ryker" said Victoria harshly. I looked at her like she was insane. What's her problem?

"I do care about beating and embarrassing Zoe, so she has to leave your flight. You made me suffer and you'll suffer" said Victoria. Ryker glared at Matysa who gave a nonchalant shrug. "If Zoe is really meant to be your wife she'll have no problem passing the test no matter who she fights" said Matysa without a care in the world. "You're right. It doesn't matter who you put against me. I'll still win" I said, defending myself.

"So let's go, Victoria. The faster I beat you the faster I get to kick you out of here" I said with a raised brow. I turn and grab Ryker, giving him a big kiss. "Don't worry Ryker I'll make sure you never have to see Victoria's ugly face again" I said, amusing the crowd's reaction. Ryker smiles at me playing up my affection. "I have complete faith in you" said Ryker playfully back.

She steps to me angrily getting into the ring. Leileena walked away bruised. Shifting into both our dragons, I fly high into the sky. Victoria shifts and flies after me. I doge left sinking my teeth into her leg. Then I twist hard and break it. With a hard tug I drag her down and slam her to the hard ground. She didn't even have a chance. "Yes. Zoe pinned her in record time" said Ryker as he and the crowd cheered and gasped.

Me and Victoria shift back into our human forms and stand next to Ryker. "Congratulations to Zoe. She's passed the first test" said Ryker aloud. Both Victoria and Leileena walk off in a huff both injured. "Now for your final test," said Ryker. He leads me to a steep cliff. The rest of the flight follows me. I look over the edge of the cliff. Sharp spikes stick up from the ground. It's clear more than one enemy has fallen to their demise over this cliff. I wasn't afraid of what they could do.

Keeping my composure I look at Ryker. "This will be difficult. No one has passed this test in fifty years" said Ryker. He looked at me studying my face. "Just stay calm, follow the instructions and you'll pass," he said. My heart pounds with nervousness when Ryker takes a blindfold. "Trust is the most important part of being in a dragon flight. Without trust our flight won't survive, " he said. I breathed in listening to his words.

"You need to trust me as your husband and as your dragon lord," said Ryker. He takes my hand and moves me to the edge of the cliff. "For this test you're not allowed to remove your blindfold or shift into your dragon. You must stay in your human form and do nothing, Just trust that all will be okay" said Ryker. "I understand," I said with a simple nod. My last test.

Ryker pulls the blindfold over my eyes and leans in whispering in my ear. "Good luck wife." Then he pushes me off the cliff. I let out a shriek as my stomach feels like it lifted from my core. I freefall through the air heading down towards the spikes. My hands reach for the blindfold but I stop myself. I remember Ryker said I had to do three things: leave my blindfold on, not shift into my dragon, and trust him. Do I trust Ryker to save me? I know that was a lot to think about in a short time.

I take a shuddering breath and try to relax hoping my instant about Ryker is right. Suddenly I land on something soft and hard and realize it's Ryker's dragon. "You can take off the blindfold Zoe," he said. Ripping my blindfold off I ride on Ryker's back as he soars through the rocky cliffs. "I knew you'd save me," I said, smiling at his big black dragon form. I finally passed the tests of the demon's flight and am becoming their true dragoness.

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