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Zoe's POV

Insatiable was all I could think. "Don't stop Zoe. Let's see how far you can go" said Ryker. I couldn't help the throbbing between my legs. Ryer was still stiff. My hips move as I look down at him. His dark brown hair was sticking to his forehead. He was breathing heavily like me. I grind against Ryker feeling sensitive. It's all I needed and could think of. I keep doing this and I couldn't help but keep closing my eyes. My dragon was wanting more. Ryker even pushes himself against me. I couldn't help but get closer. He was digging into me.

He slams into me from below and I get bucked up. With just that hit we both cum. He wraps his arms around me, not letting go. I hold onto him too, catching my breath. Ryker grabs my face lightly and we kiss passionately. It was a deeper kiss than before. I pull back and lie facing him. We both face each other feeling exhausted. My eyes get heavy and in a few minutes after looking into his blue eyes I am asleep with the dream of Ryker and his vulnerability towards me.

The following morning Ryker's already dressed by the time I wake up. "I need to talk to the council about what transpired last night and I don't want you to leave the flight house today. It's for your safety," said Ryker. "That's ridiculous I'm not your prisoner" I said. He gives me a stern look. "We'll discuss it later but I order you to stay inside," said Ryker. He walks out the door without another word. I jump out of bed and get dressed. I walk out into the backyard.

I couldn't believe what he told me. I wasn't going to listen anyway. I stay close to where the forest meets. He may order me but I never agreed to stay inside. Besides walking through the woods is how I found out about Ryker's attempted murderer in the first place. Just then I hear "psst, Zoe." I turn in shock to spot Conner hiding behind a tree in the forest at the edge of Ryker's land. The other two dragons from my old flight huddled behind him. I turn and make sure no one's watching me. I dodge into the forest pulling Conner away from the backyard.

"Conner you can't be here if someone spots you they'll kill you" I said. "We had to make sure you were okay. How have you been treated?" asked Conner. I take a moment to breathe. "Ryker's been better than expected" I say honestly. Conner nods, accepting my word. "Your stepmother has told our dragon flight that you betrayed them by marrying Ryker and then killing your father. She and Noah are getting married tonight" said Conner. "That bitch" I said,outraged. "There's a large bounty on your head. Once Ryker's flight hears about it they'll be after you too. Come away with us. We can hide you" said Conner, pleading with me to leave for safety.

I think over everything he said. "No, I need to stay here and find out who's working with my stepmother. Now go I'll be in touch in the next few days to plan our attack on my stepmother" I said. I knew what I had to do here. Conner sneaks away understanding. I turn to head back to Ryker's flight house when my footsteps on something hard. I kneel on the ground and move the leaves and grass out of the way uncovering a steel door. What was this? Suddenly a hand clamps over my mouth as I'm grabbed from behind. I immediately know it's Ryker holding me.

He angrily turns me around to face him. "What are you doing sneaking around after I told you not to?" he said. I look up at him swallowing. "Maybe you're plotting against me after all?" he said. I shook my head no. "Maybe you're not as innocent as you seem?" said Ryker. I stand in his forest staring up at his angry face. "It's not what you think" I try to explain. "You have no idea what I think Zoe," said Ryker. "I know you're looking at me like I betrayed you when I didn't" I said. "So you didn't ignore my specific order to stay inside?" asked Ryker.

"I don't take orders and your order didn't make any sense" I said. I give a nonchalant shrug, one I know will increase his anger but I don't care. I'm tired of not being trusted. "You agreed to be my wife," said Ryker softly. "And as your fake wife I'm an equal partner and won't be ordered around" I tell him. "You defy my order and now you're suspiciously searching my territory" he said. "Of course my searching your territory somebody tried to kill you last night" I argued. Stepping toward him I soften my tone and press my hands on his chest.

"Ryker, search your dragon senses, do they tell you I'm being untruthful?" I said. He narrows his eyes as he stares down at me. "Yes I can tell there is something you're not telling me" said Ryker. I sigh looking at the ground and back at him. "What I'm not telling you is that Conner was here" I said softer. "I knew you were lying," growled Ryker. I keep his gaze and say "I'm not lying. I just didn't tell you right away." Ryker takes out a key and opens the door in the ground. He grabs my hand and pulls me down the dark tunnel. "What is this? Where are you taking me?" I said panicking. Ryker says nothing. His hand tightens as he continues to pull me down the tunnel. "Conner risked his life to tell me there's a bounty on my head" I said pleading.

"That's hardly news. I could've told you that myself" said Ryker, still angry. "He also said my stepmother and my ex have told everyone I conspired to kill my father and run away with you" I said, being dragged down the tunnel. "Ryker, I didn't betray you" I said honestly in fear. He needed to know I was on his side like I was before. "Conner tried to get me to leave and I refused," I said. I stop and give his arm a hard tug forcing him to face me. Was I now a prisoner to Ryker, my one and true enemy?

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