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Zoe's POV

Looking at the brothers I knew how much scandal it could cause. "Zoe sacrificed herself so mom could make it back to us. She had a fighting chance so now when she returns home she'll be on our side" said Ryker. Matysa sighed. "I support you because you're my brother," said Matysa. He looked at me and glared. "I'll have nothing to do with the person who killed my father and sister," said Matysa. I knew it was hard for anyone to get over I still can't.

Matysa gives one last disgusted look at me and leaves. I put my head down in respect. "Your brother hates me, maybe I should leave" I said knowing it did not go well. I am a threat the longer I stay here. Ryker pulled me close to him by my waist. "No, He'll come around. You've only been here a few minutes. Give it time" said Ryker, searching my face. He didn't want me to leave. I sighed and nodded my head. This is all beneficial for me and my flight too.

Ryker grasps my hand and leads me to the back of his flight house where his training area is. We still planned to see his territory. Being out and seeing all the targets brought back memories of my home. As I look around I remember the quest. "So what are these tests I have to pass?" I asked. I couldn't go in this blind. I needed to be alert and hope Ryker wasn't lying. "There are only two," said Ryker. I was thankful to hear that at the least. I just hoped they weren't impossible. "Leileena challenged you. Your first test will be to shift into your dragon and fight her" said Ryker. I nodded and remembered that I personally agreed to fight her as well.

"The second is a test of courage but I can't tell you what it is yet or you'll fail" said Ryker. I looked at him confused but I understood the first test. "Can't we postpone the tests? It shouldn't take us too long to find out who had you kidnapped" I said. I hoped I still didn't have to brand myself to the Demon flight. I had my own flight to take care of. They needed help. "No, the test will be tomorrow night. If I try to postpone it will look suspicious" explained Ryker.

"Once you pass you'll be one of us and the flight should drop their guard with you" said Ryker. My red hair blows in the wind as I think. My attention is cut short when I see a few of Ryker's flight members shooting arrows at targets. "You've got twenty four hours to prepare so the best way I can help is to practice sparring with you," said Ryker. I smiled and said "are you sure you can handle me?" Ryker's eyes glow with danger. He gets so close my nipples graze his chest.

I inhale his musky scent excited to get dirty and fight with him. "You're brave to tempt the beast. I'm going to eat you alive Zoe'' said Ryker. Without waiting for Ryker to say go I drop to the ground and sweep his legs out from under him. He drops to the ground and rolls tugging me down with him. I elbow him in the chest and quickly pop up to my feet. "Good move. You'll need to be sneaky like that to beat Leileena" said Ryker. I look at him right where I left him.

"Let's see how well you fight in the air," said Ryker. He shifts into his dragon. You're still in awe of the power of his beast. "Come and get me Zoe" said Ryker as his black dragon was souring in the air. Ryker flies into the sky as more of his flight members rush over to watch me fight. "Ryker's fighting Zoe. I bet he will destroy her" said Leileena. "I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you," said Aiden. I heard the voices of the flight just perfectly. "Please no one's ever knocked Ryker out of the sky before" said Leileena. "Then I'll be the first," I said aloud.

I shift into my white dragon. I fly into the sky and chase after Ryker. "I'm coming for you Ryker" I said, ganging up on him. "I know you've got speed but let's see about your skills" said Ryker. He dodges toward me and I twist away evading his attack. "Damn Zoe you weren't this fast when we flew earlier" said Ryker. The crowd below gasps with excitement bolstering my confidence. "I wasn't about to show you all my moves that early," I said. I quickly fly towards the direction of the sun as Ryker follows me. He bites on my left wing but I pass him without being injured.

I fly up facing towards the sky causing him to be blind for a couple of seconds. I turn and knock him out of the sky. Black sun dragons are known for doing this to any attackers because of our scales. Just when I think I won Ryker grabs me and keeps his hold on me as we fall to the ground. He hits the ground first and I look all around me as I stand up. Everyone is shocked. I silenced a whole flight over just a few minutes because I defeated their dragon lord.

Leileena looks at me worriedly. She knew I had it in me to beat her. Me and Ryker shift back into our human forms. "You let her win, didn't you?" said Leileena angrily. Everyone looked around now believing her. "You are his wife after all," she said. "I'll still kick your ass tomorrow" I said glaring at her. How could she twist the truth when I did win fair and square. That was my right. Ryker puts his hand on my shoulder and says "You'll be fine by tomorrow."

Matysa ignores me as he grabs Ryker's arm and pulls him to the side. I didn't know that he was watching us. I feel better about showing how powerful I was. I hoped some people would be proud of that. I look at Ryker and they are speaking in hushed whispers. I wish I knew what they were talking about. It was probably something about me. Will this flight ever trust me?

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