Wishin I Could Just go Back

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"So this is how you've been leaving the castle?" Swiss asked Aether. We were stood in the closet that was outside of the staircase. I was still in front of them.

"Yeah, I was thinking of cleaning this room up but then it would be easier to find the stairs." Aether replied. "(Y/n) you feeling alright?" He asked me.

"I'm hungover as shit and exhausted." I quipped back then felt bad because Aether has never once been rude to me. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"Quite alright, luv." Aether gave a comforting pat on the shoulder as we continued out of the room. It instantly felt-


I couldn't tell if the room just felt hot or I was getting attracted to Aether, and that bothered me.

We walked out of the closet and into the bright hallway. So bright you would have to squint to see. It burned my eyes. Luckily for the men behind me they had eye protection built into their masks.

"Hey, why's the witch doin here?" The short man I had met the day of Swiss's wedding asked the second we opened the door. I'm gonna be honest, I completely forgot his name.

"Dew, we are going to see Swiss' mother." Aether sounded annoyed.

Right, Dew, that's his name. Can't believe I forgot that.

"-Swiss! Oh we have been looking everywhere for you!"


I went stiff as Aether put his arm around my shoulders.

"I was being to think you ran away again, I mean remember that ugly witch you spent months with?" Victoria fucking laughed. Aether, Dew and I weren't facing her so we all began walking away. Eventually we turned the corner away from Swiss and his wife.

"You're not ugly." Aether spoke lightheartedly as he removed his arm.

"She's the ugly one." Dew spat, looking down the hall. It wasn't like he was mad at her for me, it was clear he just hated her.

Aether laughed. "Well you aren't wrong." He looked at me with the smile still on his face. "I guess we gotta take the long wa-" He was cut off by loud cackling that was coming closer.

"I swear imma kill this bitch one day." Dew grumbled before we all took off running down the hall. As he said this I knew I could get closer with this guy.


"Where is Swiss?" The queen asked. The three of us were out of breath from sprinting around the whole second floor of the castle.

"Victoria caught us in the hallway." Aether panted out and I could tell the queen rolled her eyes through the mask.

She let out an annoyed sigh. "I pray that the second Swiss becomes king he breaks up with her." Her signature soft voice sounded strained.

What did this woman do? I thought to myself. I mean, did the queen know that she cheats on Swiss? What's the issue with Dew?

"I know us three think the same." Aether smiled at the queen.

"Hopefully she learns her lesson soon enough." The queen sighed. "But that's not why you guys are here." She changed the subject. "It's actually better that Swiss isn't here for this conversation. Lutum has been getting sick... again." I cringed at her words. "I need You three to make sure Swiss is ready to become king."

What does this have to do with me?

"And the others as well. Mountain, Rain, Phantom, Cirrus, Cummulus and Aurora. I have already spoken to them and they are aware of what they have to do." The queen listed names and I only knew Mountain and Rain. The three others were new to me.

"You spoke to Aurora? But she's so new. No offense, your majesty, but she freezes at the sight of Swiss." Aether had clear skepticism of the queen's words. "And Phantom is to quiet and clumsy to function." Dew was practically vibrating trying to hold back his laughter.

"I'm aware, which is why I gave them the task of distracting Victoria." The queen said in a knowing tone.

Some job they did.

"He's gonna need help adjusting to everything and knowing Swiss he's not gonna ask for help."

"I assume thats where we come in?" Aether spoke up.

  "Correct. Just try and steer him in the right direction. I know he's capable, I'm just worried that Victoria will try and change what he's doing."

  "I'm sure we can do that." Dew said and nodded as he did so.

  "Thank you, truly, it means a lot knowing my son has such good friends."

  Could've been more.

  "We are happy to help, miss." Aether smiled through his mask.

  "You guys should get going, Lutum is going to be looking for me soon." The queen said as she began opening the door. "Safe travels home (y/n)."

  "Thank you." I smiled softly as the three of us walked out of the room and back down the hall.

  "Phantom and Aurora... phantom and Aurora!" Dew exasperated. "I mean how is this gonna work out?"

  "I'm on the same page, Dewy, though I think the queen knows what she's doing." Aether responded.

  "I don't think she does with this-." Dew was cut off by Aether's hand over his mouth. A little too long for Dew's liking so he licked Aether's hand. Sometimes I'm happy I don't have many friends.

  I looked ahead of me to see one tall man next to a really short girl. Both in the royal masks.

  "Aether? Dew?" The man asked.

  "Heeey Phantom, how are things?" Aether was a terrible liar. That's something I could tell. But at least you could always tell when he was honest.

  "Pretty good, have you spoken to the queen?"

  "We are just leaving from her office now." Dew grumbled. This man seemed to hate everyone.

   "Well that's good." Phantom then looked at me. "And Who are you?"

  "A friend of the queen." I said, I didn't know what else to say. I mean judging by how Dew and Aether were reacting to them, could I trust them?

  "Ah, well I hate to keep you three waiting, I'll see you around." He smiled and waved before walking off. He seemed nice, though I guess I don't work with him so I'm not gonna know everything about him.

  "Let's get you home, luv. Dew you wanna come?" Aether turned to the shorter man and he looked hesitant.

   "You might find a another girl in the woods." I giggled, hoping he remembered the time we first met.

  "Yeah, why not, it's better then hearing Swiss bitch to me. Or needing to remind the new ones how to do a simple task." He whispered the last part, almost to himself.

  "Great, let's go." Aether then led the way with his arm around my shoulders.

Word count 1132
  Woahhhh two chapters in less then three days. I'm goin places

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