Ive Got To Make Up For What Ive Done

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"So what's for lunch?" Swiss asked as we walked into the house.

"Bread and butter? I may have some strawberry jam. I could toast it as well if you like." I told him sort of embarrassed of the food I have.

"Bread and jam sounds wonderful." He smiled warmly at me.

"Here let me just get this water going and I will make us food." I spoke as I walked over to the pot that was in the fire place.

"How are you gonna light tha-?" With a snap of my fingers the fireplace erupted with flames. "How did you do that?" Swiss asked in disbelief.

"I'm a witch, remember?" I giggled at his awestruck face.

"That was amazing! And you can do it just like that?"

"Yeah." I giggled at his enthusiasm. "Here let's get some food." I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed my bag laying all the food I had gotten on the counter. I grabbed the bread and began to slice it in to even slices. "Can you grab the jam from the cabinet over there?" I pointed at the cabinet over on the other side of the kitchen.

"What can you not make it fly to you darling?" He chuckled clearly not really meaning what he said as he walked over to it. I rolled my eyes at his antics so before he could open the door I used my magic to open the cabinet and the jam flew to me.

"I could I just wanted you to feel useful." I chuckled taking the jam from the air and grabbing a butter knife.

   He chuckled. "I appreciate it darling."

   "Here you go." I gave him two pieces of bread and I went over to take the water off the fire.

"Are you not eating?" He asked with food in his mouth.

"No I will, I'm just really thirsty and need this water to cool down before we can drink it." I told him with my face staring to hurt with how much I've been smiling.

I sat on the couch as Swiss continued eating his bread over the counter. I had a book in my hand but I was really just looking at him as he stared out the window in the direction of the castle. He finished up his food and he clapped the crumbs off his hands and used his sleeve to wipe off his face. He then began to walk over to where I was sitting.

"Thank you for this darling." He breathed out.

"No problem Swiss. I appreciated the help today." I smiled at him.

"Really? because I didn't do much." He awkwardly laughed.

"I appreciate the effort Swiss." I gave him a warm grin. "Here come sit." I scooted over and patted the cushion next to me. He walked over and sat down next to me. "This is where you will be sleeping by the way."

"I- thank you darling I really appreciate it." I could hear him tear up.

"Oh don't cry. I'm happy to help." I tried to comfort.

"I know it's only been a few hours but I really appreciate everything you've done for me." His voice quivered a bit.

"You say that now, just wait for tomorrow." I let out a laugh to try and ease the situation.

"No honestly my father wouldn't let me do half the things I've done in these past few hours. I feel like I've learned a lot." He told me truthfully

   "Aren't you supposed to have like the best education?"

   "Yeah but I never really paid attention and besides this is all hands on."

   "What did they teach you?" I asked full of wonder. I only ever learned how to read I never got a proper education.

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