Everything is Bitter Sweet

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   I grumbled as I felt the hard floor under me. My head was pounding and It was dark and there was dust everywhere. It was only illuminated by the blue torches on the wall. That's when I realized where I was.

Guess I got what I wanted. I grumbled as I stood up, checking my surroundings. On the floor to my left was a sleeping Terzo. I gently shook him awake.

   "Wha- what's happening? Where are we?" Terzo rubbed his eyes as he groggily got up.

   "We are in the tunnels" I said as I reached down to help him up, to which he groaned.

   "I have the worst headache."

  "Same here. My head is killing me." I look around again. "I guess we were trying to get home." I smiled weakly. I would've laughed but I didn't want to deal with the pain.

"I guess so, cara." He groaned again. "I should probably get going, my mother is gonna be concerned that I'm not home after a night of drinking."

"Would you like me to walk you home?" I asked the prince.

"Na, save the walk back. I'll be fine." He said with his usual smirk. "I'll walk you home however. I'm sure Dusk and Oráiste miss you."

  I smiled. "I think they miss their food more then me."

"Ah, but they miss the pretty face that gives them food." He pauses for a second. "You know, speaking of pretty faces, you better get ready. You never know when Swiss is gonna visit you!"

"Shit! You're right!" My eyes go wide. I slap my hands on my face then drag them down in some strange attempt to wake myself up and I heard Terzo laugh at this.

   "Please never do that again. Your skin looked like it was melting off." He thought for a second. "Can you touch water?" He suddenly asked.

  I laughed at his question. "What?! Yes, I can touch water... I drink water, Terzo." I smiled brightly. "Just because I'm a witch doesn't mean this is some sort of fairy tail."

  He grinned. "You're right, you're right. I was only curious." He shook his head with a smile.

  We started walking till we reached the ladder. I looked up at the tall ladder then looked down at what I was wearing. I looked at Terzo knowing what was about to come out of his mouth but I was too hungover to care. I slowly removed my shoes then the first couple of layers of my dress, leaving me in only a small black under dress and a corset. Through my peripheral vision I could see Terzo smirk.

  "Someone's eager to see Swiss!"

  "Shut. Up."

  Terzo laughed like a little girl. "Well I'll see you later Cara, have fun! And I expect to hear everything when we have tea next week!" He called out as he walked down the dark hallway.

  "Goodbye, your majesty!" I yelled with a teasing tone.


"Alright Dusk, you got your hay!" I giggled an he nudged my hand. "You want an apple?" I asked and Dusk did the horses equivalent of a scoff. I smiled at this and turned to go inside.

"Darling?" A quiet voice called out as I reached my door and I quickly whipped my head around to see who said it. Though I already had an idea of who it was.

  "Swiss?" I look at the masked prince. Though I can't see his face he looked timid.

  "I remember last night..." He stared to speak. "I meant everything I said... well, almost everything. The picnic sounds nice but I wanna prove to you that I can love without sounding like I only want you for sex... you're the first woman to ever actually care about me." He paused and gulped. "It really was worth getting locked in the pantry for you. Oh, (Y/n), I regret everything I said to you that night I yelled at you... you only wanted to help Sunshine and I ended up hurting both of you in the process. I really do want to apologize."

"Swiss... your apology from last night was just fine." I gave a soft smile.

"No. I was drunk, and though I meant it I need to prove to you that I need you in my life." He spoke softly, I could tell he meant everything he said. The love and care made my heart flutter and my stomach do flips.

"Come inside. I'll make tea, and we can talk." I opened the door fully and held it for him.

"Thank you, darlin." His voice was calm and definitely had an effect on me. It was a deep voice but not so deep where it creeps you out but it was calming.

We walk into the house and with a flick of my hand I get the kettle going. Swiss sat on the couch while I sat on the ottoman across from him. He looked over at the kettle with a small smirk.

"I forget you can do things like that. Your magic is fascinating."

I squint my eyes playfully. "You're being a suck up." I teased.

"Me? Never, darling." He quipped playfully. "And is it wrong for me to be amazed with how you are... I mean the things you can do!" He smiled but then his face went serious. "I have some questions for you."

My heart sank. I knew what was about to come. "Yes?" I asked innocently.

"How did you get to this ball? Like, how did you get in and who invited you? Was prince Terzo your date?"

"Umm. Your mother invited me and it just so happened that me and Terzo are good friends." I explained the most simple I could. Swiss looked stiff but also a little hurt.

"How long have you known him?"

"A few months."

"Why didn't you tell me about him?"

"He never really came up in conversation." I shrugged. And he was there for me when you yelled at me and held me when I was down...

Is Swiss right for me?

Word count 1014
Went to take the train today and it was delayed so now we bussin. Anyway, I have school on Wednesday so expect more chapters

Also Swiss from the ritual🥰🥰😩😩

Savior (Swiss x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant