You Cant Hide

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I didn't have all of the ingredients for this potion. I had a few of the basics, obviously. I had the water, blood stone and the thyme. I however needed the ginger and organ meat. Ginger shouldn't be a problem, there is a huge amount growing in the forest. Organ meat though? That's gonna be a little more difficult. I'm not a hunter, I'm simply just not good at it. I'll eat animals, sure but actually going and killing them, that's a different story.

I closed the book with a sigh as I stood up from my couch. I looked down at the sleeping fox on my couch before petting his head. The sky outside was pinkish as the sun was setting. I knew I needed this potion as soon as possible, so I got up and grabbed my cloak so the night air wouldn't bite at my skin. I took a bag which I put a knife in for when I had to do the inevitable to whatever poor animal I saw first.

   The forest only got darker and darker, more cold as well. It was a full moon tonight so thankfully I had the light from that to help illuminate the forest. I would use my own light but I don't was to bring attention to myself. The creatures in this forest are not for the faint of heart. It's been so long since I've been out at night but what's the worst that could happen.

   I continued to slowly walk the forest with my fingers occasionally grazing the king grass. I kept looking around for any animal that would be unlucky enough to stumble upon me. There was a rustling sound behind me so I quickly turned around. There was nothing there. I reluctantly turned my head to the front of me only to hear it again before I even took another step. I felt the blood flow through my veins faster to the point it was pulsing in my eyes. I tried to calm myself as I still couldn't see what it was but at the same time readying myself for the worst possible outcome. I quickly removed my bag and took the knife from inside, holding it out away from me. I then completely turned around to face whatever it was.

My hands went sweaty as I looked at the empty forest. I felt myself losing the grip on the blade. The wind was only getting stronger but now blowing directly in my face causing my eyes to water and my vision to blur.

Should've waited for morning. I thought to myself with a grumble.

A few moments passed without any movement but I still felt like I couldn't move my feet. I just wanted to go home at this point and completely forget about this dumb healing potion. I mean why would I even want to heal the king? Is it because I wanted Sunshine to like me? Or maybe because I thought Swiss wasn't fit enough to be king yet? I didn't know what was even compelling me to do this. At this point I don't even know if the king would drink it considering he hates me. I knew that Terzo needed it and for some strange reason I felt like I could trust him.

The wind died down but I still waited a few seconds to turn around and continue my journey.

It was dead silent now, almost uncomfortably so. The ringing in my ears had become more noticeable. I couldn't tell if I was freaking out because I couldn't hear or I couldn't hear because I was freaking out. I turned around and continued to walk deeper into the forest with the pit in my stomach only growing more.

   You would think that because it's a forest there would be a bunch of nocturnal animals out but I guess they were smart tonight. That or theres definitely something in this forest right now.

   I spent a few more minutes looking only to decide that I'll just look in the morning. I began walking back to my house but it was clear that the closer I got to my house that it was definitely not normal for this forest to be so empty. I mean during this whole trip I heard one cricket. I heard the rustling behind me again causing my stomach to drop. I needed to make it home before I got killed by whatever this was. I didn't even turn around as I began sprinting back home. The wind picked up again going after then before and it slowed me down quite a bit. My face was burning from the wind and I felt like I could barely keep my eyes open. My vision became blurred once again as I tripped over a bush landing flat on my face. I tried quickly to get up only to be pinned down by whatever was after me. I let out a yelp of pain as I felt a paw push my head into the dirt. There was a lot of saliva coming from the creature's mouth that was now dripping onto my head. I tried to get up again but this thing was far to heavy to get off of me. I couldn't even use my magic because it wasn't strong enough. I continued to let out small whimpers knowing that soon this was gonna be it for me. I was going to meet a similar fate to my parents but this time no one is going to find my body. I was dying and I couldn't say a final goodbye to anyone. Dusk, my fox, Rowan and Swiss. My animals were going to die and it's all my fault.

   I began to feel the warm breath of this animal on the back of my head along with a low growl. At this point I've finally accepted what was happening and just relaxed my body and waited.

   There was a loud pattering sound in the distance that was coming closer and it only got more faster. I could now hear that it was a horse and that there was two of them. I heard some faint voices talking to each other which I assumed that they were on the horses. I tried to yell but the animal was crushing me so hard I could barely breathe. There were claws that scratched my back causing warm blood to flow out of me.

   "Her house is this way!" A voice yelled and they got closer.

  "What is that?!" Another voice called out as they came to a stop. By the sound of it they were about ten feet in front of me.

  "Help." I barely rasped out.

  "Holy shit! That's (Y/n)! Aether we gotta get that thing off of her!"

  It was Swiss. He was here.

  Thank fucking god.

  I heard the creature snap it's jaw and let out another growl causing it to drool on me even more. This time however it wasn't right by my head.

   "How do we do this?" Aether asked sounding panicked.

   "Should we distract it?"

  "I think we should kill it, something like that is to dangerous to be wandering around."

  "Fair point." Swiss gulped as his voice became a higher pitch. I tried to throw the knife at him but I could barely get my arm off the ground.

  "Swiss grab the knife!" Aether was frantically screaming.

  "Where?- shit!" Swiss yelled and I immediately felt air come into my lungs along with the weight of this thing off of me. I tried to get up again and this time I was successful. I stumbled a bit but I was finally on my feet.

   I looked up to see Swiss fighting what I now know is a huge wolf, like way bigger then an average one. Aether then ran over off his horse.

  "Are you alright?!" He asked looking down at me.

  "Yeah, a few scratches but I'll be fine." I looked up at him. We both then looked over to see the wolf yelp in pain and fall over. We both started to head over to Swiss causing me to stumble a bit from the uneven ground. Aether was there to quickly straighten me up though. I saw Swiss look over at us with blood on his mask and clothes.

   "What the hell are you doing out here?!" Swiss yelled at me throwing his free hand into the air.

  "I was forging." I answered plainly.

  "In the middle of the night?" He asked sounding like a disappointed mother.

   "I needed things." I grumbled.

  "You could've died, darling!" His voice broke. I felt my heart flutter a bit when he called me that. It definitely was out of habit but it felt good all the same.

  "Swiss she's fine-"

   "Only because we saved her!"

   "Thank you guys, by the way." I looked down. Swiss was right and it was embarrassing. I heard Swiss give a sigh and I looked back up at him.

   "Let's get you home." He placed a hand on my shoulder as we quietly walked to the two horses.

Word count 1527



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