I'm Just A Bug In The Wall

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    I felt some paws needing my chest as the sun shines through my window. I opened my eyes to see the baby fox looking back down at me. It's golden brown eyes glowing as the sun touches them.

"Mph, good morning to you too." I yawned and pet the foxes head. The small animal let out a purr. I picked up the fox and walked over to the kitchen to set him down to get berries from the front. I came back inside and put them in the same small wooden bowl and set it on the ground.

   The fox ate happily as I grabbed some warm clothes to change into so I could run out and get more water. I grabbed the bucket from the front door and headed on my way to the river.

   The walk was peaceful as I made it to the slow flowing river. There were many thoughts that swarmed my mind like what if they see that I'm not there anymore? and what will they do to Swiss, or me? Will they go looking for me? Despite these thoughts I was able to stay calm just by the calming atmosphere of the forest.

   I placed the bucket into the water and let it fill up. I sat on my knees just staring into the clear water looking at the small fish that would occasionally pass by. All the different fish and there colors brought a nice feeling on this cold day. I thought of taking some back for the fox that I have now taken in.

I need to name him.

  "Hello." A voice said from across the river. I jumped up in a panic to look and see who it was and to my horror they were wearing a royal ghoul mask. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, you looked so peaceful just sitting there." She stated looking down at me from the other side about three feet away.

  "I- um- thank you." I stuttered a little intimidated by the ghoul mask. 

   "Are you alright? The closest town is only a couple miles away, why are you all the way out here?" She asked with genuine curiosity.

   "It's a long story." I mumbled picking up the bucket and standing up.

   "Do you live in this forest?" Her voice was high pitched but was cute sounding.

   "I do." I told her then immediately regretted it.

   Why would I tell her that, she's wearing a royal ghoul mask! I mentally cursed myself out.

  "Woah, that's cool. Must be very peaceful." She smiled. "I'm Sunshine by the way!" She stuck her hand out for me to shake. I didn't even realize she had hopped over the river.

   "I'm - uh, Phoebe." I lied quickly.

  "That's a nice name." She smiled.

   "So what brings you here?" I asked hoping that the king didn't send her to look for me.

   "The queen to be let me explore outside of castle grounds, she said something about reporting any weird activity. No idea what that means but I'm happy I'm just able to leave the castle." She smiled cheerfully. "Though I wish I could've brought some of my friends with me." She grumbled the last part to herself.

   "Oh, that's interesting." I said trying to act normal. "So you know the prince too then?"

   "Yeah." She sighed sounding defeated. This worried me a little.

   "Is he alright?" I asked with concern. I don't know what I would do to myself if Swiss wasn't okay, it would've been all my fault if something happened to him.

   "I don't know how much I should be telling you."

   "I won't tell anyone." I swore to her.  She looked at me for a second and I could see her eyes quite literally flicker with a light. It flashed an orange through her mask before fading away again. It must've been my imagination because there was no explanation for what just happened.

   "Well Swiss hasn't really been acting like he normally does and I've been told by some that it is because he isn't used to having a wife. However I've heard from my friends that there was some girl who Swiss became friends with and they aren't allowed to see each other anymore." She explained to me. "My friend Aether said that he's going to try and sneak him out to meet her soon because apparently it's really destroying him." She sighed again this time finishing what she was saying.

   "Do you know what her name is?" I asked wondering how much they told her.

   "They told me, I don't remember though." She said with a shrug. "Anything bothering you?" She asked me.

   "Not really, just been feeling a little more lonely recently but I just got a fox so I think I'll be fine." I smiled a little.

   "Aww, that's so cute." She paused for a second. "If you're feeling lonely why don't you just go into town, there are so many people to talk to there."

"Eh, there are to many people." I tried to joke.

"I get that." She agreed. "I should get going now but it was nice meeting you, Phoebe." She smiled then waved off, hopping back over the river then disappeared into the woods.

   I watched carefully as she ran off making sure she was completely gone before using my magic to hold up the bucket of water and made my way back home. I made sure to get a fish before I left though.

I walked into the house and put the water on the fire before finding the fox and giving him the fish I had gotten him. He purred happily as he attacked the dead fish with his teeth. I smiled knowing that he is getting better.

   I went into my room to get new bandages for his paw so I can        re-wrap it. I searched the drawer not remembering where I had put it down last. I then began looking around the whole room only to quickly look out my open door and see it on the counter in the kitchen. I let out a huff to myself and trudged my way into the kitchen to grab the gauze. I made my way back over to the small fox who was now finished with his food and pulled up his paw just to look at it for a second. I sat down to carefully take off the bandage I gave him the night before and reapplied new bandages to the paw. I smiled down at the fox trying to comfort him because I can see the discomfort in his face and body as he tried to squirm away.

  "No don't go, I'm trying to help you!" I whispered to the fox that was still trying to break free. I grabbed the foxes back to hold him in place so then I had to struggle with putting the bandage on with one hand but I somehow managed. "See that wasn't to bad!" I giggled as he pulled away from me and walked off. I shook my head slightly at this. "I need better roommates." I joked to myself.

Word count 1195

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