I Know We Have Never Really Met Before

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    It's getting cold out as the frost stuck to the grass around my cottage. Swiss has been here the entire time helping me with everything I need and he had learned a lot from being here. He still has no desire to leave and he seems to enjoy it here which I wasn't expecting. He was good company and listened to everything I said, not that I was bossing him around and being rude, but he was incredibly nice. He was also so sweet, the first month he was a flirty bastard but after that he would alway calm down and didn't try to flirt with me as much, it did still occasionally happen but it wasn't horrible. He has been asking me my name but I just felt as if I couldn't tell him in case something does happen. I mean I do trust him but things can always happen, especially with the royal guard, and besides he has yet to take off his mask. The hunt for the lost prince has only gotten more violent as time went on. I barely went into town as much as I used to because the royal guard would question everyone and if they said an answer they didn't like they would be beaten in the street. Of course I didn't tell Swiss this, I didn't want to make him feel bad.

I re-lit the fireplace as the moon started to set and the sky became a purple as the sun rose. I began to quietly make breakfast as the prince slept peacefully on the couch. I felt bad that it had been months of him not sleeping on a bed but it's not like I could afford one anyway. I heard Swiss stir in his sleep which was something he was doing a lot more frequently as time progressed. It was another reason I felt bad, it was clear he was having nightmares but I didn't know how to stop them, I've tried to make special teas but they only helped for that night. I went over to wake him up by shaking him.

"Swiss, Swiss wake up!" I whispered to not scare him. He shot up his eyes wide and he began to sweat.

"Oh, oh darling you're here!" He whispered looking at me with worry in his eyes as his hand grabbed my right arm. I gave a confused but sorrowful look.

  "Of course I am, what's wrong?" I said sympathetically putting my hands to his masked face.

   "I- they- they came for you." His voice quivered. "And it was my fault." He hiccuped choking on sobs.

   "Swiss, calm down, please breathe." I tried to comfort but I clearly wasn't doing a good job. It's been a while since I've talked to someone other then Rowan that I've had to comfort, and that was forever ago.

   "I don't think I could ever forgive myself if they took you." He whispered looking up at me.

   "Swiss it's okay, we are going to be okay." I gave him a warm smile. It seemed as time paused as I looked into the goggles of his dark bug looking mask.

   "Thank you for everything, darling." He gave a small sigh. "I swear I'll make it up to you."

   "Swiss please, you do enough." I smiled. "Here, go back to bed I'll wake you up when I've finished breakfast." I smiled as I lifted my hands from his face. He slowly nodded as his head fell back to the pillow.

   I finished up breakfast and the sun was shining through the window. I walked over to the sleeping Swiss and shook him lightly awake.

"Five more minutes." His voice was muffled as he turned so his face was in the cushion.

"Come on Swiss, I made breakfast." I crouched down and laid my hand on his shoulder. After muttering a 'fine' he slowly began to sit up. "Here you can eat on the couch." I told him. I felt bad because he hasn't been getting good sleep lately. I stood up and flicked my hand and the breakfast that was already put on a plate slowly levitated to me. I grabbed the plate and set it on Swiss's lap. "Here you are!" I sang and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Eat up, I'm going into town today to drop off some seeds to my friend, I'll see you later."

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