Of God Above

609 29 20

   I was watering the plants in my office when I heard banging on the floorboards.

"Knock, knock!" A familiar voice called from below. I ran over and open the hatch to be met with the masked face of Aether. A smile grew on my face.

   "Hello." I greeted standing up and reaching my hand down to help him out.

   "You're not gonna believe this." Aether said as he stood up. I gave him a confused glance. "The queen wants to see you." He laughed.

   "Oh thank god. I thought it was gonna be something worse." I sighed in relief. He shrugged.

   "Why does the queen keep asking to see you?" It was such an innocent question but it made my heart stop for a second."

  "I don't know, she tells me about my family and we catch up. I think she feels bad or something." I lied but he didn't catch on, he only hummed in response.

   "She really likes you. Every time I'm with her she'll bring you up."

   My heart swelled. "Aww, I really appreciate hearing that. Thank you."

   "Don't thank me," He shook his head. "You just have a great personality. I'm honestly shocked anyone couldn't like you. I mean the more I talk to you the more I understand why Swiss stayed here for so long. You're amazing!" He admitted and a faint blush formed on my face.

  "Oh, stop it. I'm not that  "amazing"." I batted my hand.

   "No, but you're pretty damn close." He smiled. "Anyway, we have a queen to see!" He announced and we made our way back down the ladder.


"Thank you for bringing her again Aether."

   "Not a problem, your highness. Happy to help out."

   "Well I'll take her from here. Thank you again!" And with that, Aether left. "Your dress is finished!" She whispered as she opened the door where I had started getting my dress made. I looked around then was met with a familiar face.

"Rowan?" I asked with shock as I saw him standing next to the two other seamstresses.

"(Y/n)?!" He asked back with the same expression. "What are you- is this your dress?" He pointed at the forest green dress that had black lace on the bottom and the top part of the dress along with small white pearls that were spread out along the top part. It was absolutely beautiful.


  "Yes, that is her dress. Thank you for helping us put it together." The taller girl said.

"Not a problem! Happy I was able to help out." Rowan smiled at the two women.

"I wasn't aware you two knew each other." The queen said with a smile. "He is a fine tailor." I couldn't of agreed more. I was happy he was finally getting some recognition.

"Yes, we are very happy that we have found him!" The shorter agreed with the queen. This caused Rowan to blush at the compliment.

"Ready to try on the dress?" The queen clapped with excitement.

"Yes!" I beamed back. She then took me into a bathroom with one of the seamstresses to help me get into the dress.

"This dress is going to look beautiful on you! Everyone will be swarming you!" She said as she untie the dress I was in. I stood there in my undergarments as she took the green dress and untied that one so I could slip it on.

"Oh my goodness, it's stunning!" I gasped as I looked at the full length mirror on the wall. My hand covered my mouth.

"You pull it off very well. Come, let's show the others!" She took my hand and opened the door for me. I never felt so pampered in my life, but I could get used to this.

   I walked out of the bathroom to be met with the queen, Rowan and the other seamstress. The queen let out a gasp and covered her mouth while Rowan smiled.

   "You look amazing! Wait right here I'll get your mask!" The queen beamed as she lifted up her dress and jogged out of the room.

"I don't think I've ever seen the queen so excited." The smaller whispered to the taller.

  "Neither have I."

   After a few minutes the queen came back with a small box. It was black in color and had a dark green ribbon around it that matched the dress. 

   "I had it made the second I saw the sketch of your dress." The queen handed it to me. I pulled the ribbon so it untied and it fell into my hands. I opened the box to be met with a mask that was green with black lace appliqué. That part only covered the eyes. As I picked it up there was a thin black mesh that was attached to the sides of the mask so it could cover the rest of my face and it could be tied to my head with black silk ribbon.

   "Oh my, I love it! Thank you so much!" I smiled as I fully removed it from the box.

  "Not a problem dear. I'm so happy you like it."  She placed her hand on my shoulder. "I'll keep it here with your dress and when it comes time for the ball you can come here and they will help you get ready." She said as she pointed at the two seamstresses.

   "Thank you, you're highness." I felt like I could cry with how nice this all was.

   "No need to thank me, I'm so happy you like it. I'll have you come by a little earlier then the other kingdom so we can get you ready. Are you okay with coming here by yourself?"

   "Yeah, that's fine." I nodded.

  "Wonderful, I'll see you there!"

Word count 961


Savior (Swiss x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora