I Live by the River

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   Aether was still asleep when I walked out to my living room. The sun hadn't come up yet as I made some breakfast for the both of us.

When I had finished making the food, I heard Aether wake up and walk over to the kitchen. He was still in the same clothes as the day prior and he still slept with his mask on.

"I made you breakfast before you go." I smiled to the man.

"Thank you." He said taking a plate. "I'm sorry about yesterday." He brought up, assuming it was about seeing Swiss and Victoria. "I lied to you."

"You didn't know we were going to see them, it's fine." I shrugged off, it really didn't bother me but I could only imagine what Swiss had to put up with after the fact.

"I can't wait to hear what Swiss is gonna say to me about that." He chuckled sarcastically.

"Yea good luck with that." I took a sip of water.


   Aether had left and I was now feeding Dusk and I had just fed Oráiste. It was around mid day as I wiped some sweat from my forehead. I had already eaten and gotten the water so I decided that I would find a book to read, seeing as now I had and endless supply.

   Just as it normally does, the torches flashed blue as they were ignited. My feet touched the solid ground. I turned to see the altar with the glowing locked book and the hundreds of bookshelves that had all different genres of books stacked amongst them.

   I've been walking for around ten minutes just looking for anything to read when I heard a voice. It was far away but sounded incredibly familiar. It was a woman but I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was.

     "(Y/n)?!" The voice called out.

    The queen.

   I popped out of the bookshelf I was in and looked down the hall towards the castle to see the queen in her ghoul mask.

   "(Y/n), hello!" She greeted warmly. I walked over to her and smiled.

   "Hello, your highness." I did an actual curtsy this time.

   "No need to be so formal." She shook her head with a grin. "I wanted to speak to you in private. I didn't want Aether to report this back to his friends." My blood stopped and there was a bubbling in my stomach. What was so important?


   "We are having a masquerade ball in a few weeks and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" She asked folding her hands on her stomach. I hesitated. "It's only for fun and I would get you a dress and a mask."

   I thought for a solid thirty seconds just looking at the floor.

   Who would I hang out with? What if Swiss sees me? Why is she inviting me? I mean it is a masked event, would anyone care? Do people still know what I look like?

   "I'll go." I decided as I looked back up at the queen. "As long as I don't get caught." She smiled at this. A warm smile. Like A smile a proud
Mother would wear.

"Wonderful, I'll have Aether come back to get you in a few days so we can start working on your dress."

"Great! Can't wait!" I beamed, though the anxiety was still there about all of this.

She then walked away and I turned back to head back home, not bothering to look for a book. There was to much on my mind right now.

"Did I just see you talking to the queen?" I jumped at the suddenness of the voice. It was Terzo. "Oh sorry cara, didn't mean to scare you."

   "Yeah, I was invited to the masquerade ball." I informed.

   "Really? I'll be there too!" He smiled and clapped his hands together. "My mom knows the queen so the two of us are gonna go."

   "Oh thank god you'll be there. I was freaking out." I laughed nervously.

   "Still haven't made up with Swiss?" He asked emphatically.  I let out a sad sigh.

  "Nope. I was just with his friend though, he stayed the night." I told him and he smirked.

   "I see your plan, get with his friend, make him realize how much he needs you." My eyes went wide.

   "It's nothing like that, I swear!" I waved my arms in front of me.

   "Mhm, I'm sure." He continued to smirk. There was no point in arguing, he wasn't going to drop it but it did get me thinking.

   Aether really isn't bad. He's only been kind to me and is the only person who talks to me. Would it really be that bad?

   "Eh, your thinking about it!" He pointed with a laugh and I blushed.

   "I am not!" I lied.

   "We shall see how this dance goes then, cara."

Word count 817
Went to 7:00am mass today with my friend. We went before school and the only reason I went was bc I love church music and then they didn't have it so I went for no reason. We got Starbucks after though.


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