Snowed In

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The next morning comes and the day begins with sunlight and a light breeze, but as the day progresses, the sky darkens, the wind picks up and it begins to snow.

"Well, this is not good." Jin mutters as he reads the alert off his phone.

"What is it hyung?" Jimin asks as he places the last of the plates into the cabinet and wipes down the kitchen as they'd just finished eating lunch.

"We're under a snowstorm warning." Jin says and sighs, "Not again. We got three days left before we head back to Seoul."

"It will give us time to begin packing and picking up the cabin." Jimin replies, "We all know how some of them like to wait until the last hour to do that."

"I know and I yell each and every time. I swear if they do that in the military, they'll never hear the end of it."

Jimin nods, "And then we'll hear them whining about it."

"I am not answering my phone then." Jin mutters as he and Jimin leave the kitchen and head upstairs to the game room where the others are at.

They enter the room and catch the tail end of some heated discussion.

"What's going on?" Jin asks.

"We want to play pranks on one another, but Yoongi and Hobi don't want to do it. So you and Jimin will decide if we do or not." Jungkook says.

"And who says I want a prank war?" Jin asks.

"Come on hyung!" JK whines, "You are the best when it comes to prank wars!"

Jin nods his head and grins, "True. So you need Jimin and me to say yes?"

"Yes. Namjoon, Tae and I are in agreement."

Jimin shakes his head as he takes a seat next to Yoongi. "I'm neutral, so I'm out."

Jk glares at his hyung before looking back at Jin. "Please?" he does with his large doe eyes.

Jin groans inwardly and sighs, "Fine! Yes."

JK and Tae cheer as Yoongi groans.

"Jin!" Hobi exclaims, "Come on!"

"What else can we do?" Jin argues, "Play video games and watch movies all day?"

Hobi sighs and sits back, not looking happy.

Jin grins, "You got 20 minutes to come up with a prank and I mean everyone." He says glaring at Hobi and Yoongi.

They each head to their room to come up with a prank to do one another.

Jin has the greatest idea for him since he had already hard-boiled eggs this morning. He will have Yoongi and Hobi make dinner and when asked to make eggs, they will freak out when they come out hard.

Jungkook decides that he is going to use the rubber snake they found earlier in the week and grab some lime to tie to it. He will tie the line to one of the cupboards that hyung uses all the time and see what happens.

Namjoon decides to do the Palms Down prank where he will get Tae and Jimin to come into the living room where he will show them his new trick he learned. He will put his palm down on the table and balance a full glass of water on the back of his hand. He will bet either one of them that they couldn't do it with both hands. As soon as they get the glass balanced on both hands, he will stand up and drag the other from the room, leaving the dumb one to figure out a way to get out of the prank.

Tae decides that he is going to swap out the television remote with one that he found upstairs. He learns that this one also works with the television and so when someone goes to turn on the television or change the channel, he will do the same and freak the person out.

Jimin, knowing that he is going to get pranked, decides that he will glue shut JK's and Tae's shampoo and conditioner bottles. He will also place a clear coat of nail polish on the bar of soaps in their showers so that they don't foam up.

Hobi and Yoongi decide to sit off in the game room and try to ignore the others as all they wanted to do was rest. Unbeknownst to them is that Namjoon has locked the door and blocked it so that they can't leave, not even to use the bathroom. Jungkook realizes what he's done and begins to laugh, but covers his laughter and moves downstairs.

Jin yells 'PRANK TIME' and they all go for one another.

Hobi and Yoongi find out early on that they are stuck in the game room and have no way out and have to piss out the window. Yoongi mutters that he is going to kill everyone else in their sleep.

Jimin and Jungkook get the egg prank by Jin; JK and Tae get Jimin's prank and yell at the man when they shower later that night; Hobi gets the snake prank when he's finally released from the game room and yells quite loudly and Yoongi gets the remote prank which causes him to curse everyone out before stomping to his room where he finds his room stripped bare of furniture, all thanks to JK and Tae. As for Namjoon's prank, it never gets done as it is forgotten after the chaos that ensues that day.

By the time night comes, they are ready for bed as Yoongi has to sleep with Jin yet again.

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