Birthday Shenanigans

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It's Tae's birthday and Jin has prepared a very large and impressive spread for their little alien.

Breakfast comes and goes without a hitch as Jimin and Jungkook lead him up to the game room, while the hyungs bake him a cake.

"Are you sure we can make a cake?" Hobi asked as Yoongi and Jin glared at the younger man.

"If you and Joon would be kind enough to step out, we will be fine." Jin says as the two go to sit at the island and watch their hyungs prepare the cake.

Soon the cake is baking and Jin is preparing an icing to add to the top.

"Joon, go make sure those three are still up there and staying out of trouble. It's far too quiet to my liking."

Joon nods and heads upstairs to the game room to find the three maknae sleeping. He shakes his head as he closes the blinds and places a blanket over them. He leaves the room and heads back downstairs with a smile on his dimpled face.

"They're asleep. So we have some time before they wake up." He tells the others.

"Good. I can get the cake done. Make snacks and dinner; while the rest of you decorate the living room and dining room. And Namjoon, do not break anything." Jin glares at the younger man.

"Yes, hyung." Namjoon says as he grabs the bag of decorations and heads to the living room to decorate with Yoongi.

Yoongi and Namjoon decorate the living room with banners and balloons, making sure that the living room has games and DVDs set up as they planned to spend the whole night partying.

In the dining room Hobi is placing the last of the decorations on the table, while Jin places icing on the now cooled cake. He then begins making snacks and dinner, knowing that when the three youngest wake up, that they'll be hungry.

"All done?" Jin asks as the three others come back into the room.

"We are." Namjoon says as Hobi nods.

"I got the snacks bowled and put to the side. I am just making dinner now. Maybe wake them up in 30 minutes or so. They need to wash up and wake up before we eat." Jin says and Namjoon nods.

So the three younger men head to the living room to watch television while Jin finishes cooking, denying help from the others as he has 'everything under control.' Namjoon notes the time and makes sure that in 30 minutes he'll be up to get the younger three from their nap.

"I can't believe this will be our last Christmas together." Hobi says, "Jin and I will enlist next month and the rest of you after that."

"Time will pass quickly and we'll be back before Army knows it." Yoongi replies.

"I just hope they like the content we prepared for them while we're gone." Namjoon tells the others, "I did two albums just so that they had new music to listen to."

"Army will be fine without us for a little bit." Jin says as he enters the living room, "Now go wake those kids up. Dinner is almost done."

Namjoon gets to his feet and heads upstairs to wake his maknae's up. He heads into the room after opening the door and opens the curtains. Groans could be heard from the sleeping trio, but he shakes his head as he begins to shake each of them awake.

"Dinner will be soon, so get up." He tells them as Jimin slowly opens his eyes and smiles at his hyung. He stretches his arms, showing a bit of his toned stomach before rolling out off of the couch and headed to the bathroom. Tae and Jungkook would be the harder of the two to wake up and Namjoon shook his head.

"Tae, Jungkook, get up." He said a bit louder and Tae just groaned and rolled over.

Yoongi, knowing that they would be a problem, came upstairs, ripped the blanket off the boys and got close to them both and yelled, "WAKE UP!"

The boys jumped from their slumber as Yoongi stood back with a cheesy grin.

"There ya go Joon, they're awake now." He tells the leader and leaves the room.

"What the heck." Jungkook mutters.

"Dinner is soon, Yoongi must have known you two would not wake up. Get up and wash up before Jin comes up here."

Tae rolls out off of the couch without a word and heads to his room to shower. Jungkook groans as Namjoon helps him up.

"Yoongi is so evil." The youngest moans.

"He is, but you know hyung is far worse."

Jungkook nods and leaves to shower, leaving Namjoon to fix the blanket and pick up the game room before heading back downstairs.

Jin smirks as the leader enters the room, "JK and Tae gave you a hard time huh?"

"Yes, but Jimin got right up."

Jin tsks before re-entering the kitchen to check on dinner. Hobi, meanwhile, is setting the table and moving some of the food over.

Soon the youngest three come downstairs and look more alert than before. JK scowls at Yoongi who just sits and grins.

"Happy Birthday TaeTae." Hobi says as he hugs his younger band mate.

"Thanks." He says as he takes a seat at the dining room table. "You didn't have to go all out, hyung." He tells Jin.

"Of course I did!" Jin says. "I'll be missing your birthday next year as well as the others, so this one has to be special."

Tae blushes and looks away.

"So cute!" Jin coos as he brings over the last of the dinner dishes and motions for everyone to grab a plate and dig in.

Dinner was quiet as the youngest three were still waking up.

Jin stands suddenly, "A toast to Tae, but also to all of us. I know the next 2 years will be hard for us, but we will come back stronger and healthier than ever. So cheers to all of us!"

Everyone cheers and Jin sits back down.

"I'm going to miss this." Jimin finally says. "We've been together for so long that it feels odd not being with one another."

"We will still get to talk to one another, maybe take leave and see one another." Jin tells them. "This is not the end of us, I know that for sure."

"But on a happier note, we got snacks, cake and games to play. So cheer up everyone!" Hobi exclaims.

Dinner then goes by quickly as Jimin and JK decide to do the dishes as they wash and dry them quicker than the others. They are excited to play games.

It's 30 minutes later and everyone is in the living room where Tae's cake sits on one of the counters, far from Namjoon's grasp as the leader is not trusted to not destroy the cake. They sing 'Happy Birthday' to Tae before cutting into the cake and passing the slices to each member and eating. Once this is done, the dishes are quickly washed and dried, before gifts are handed over.

Tae shook his head at the thought of them getting him anything as Jimin was the only one to really gift anyone anything.

From Namjoon, he got a backpack that he would be able to take with him to boot camp that would carry his things.

Jin got the man some socks and toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Yoongi got him stationary and stamps so that he could write to everyone.

Jimin got him a bunch of lip balms and sunblock and told his fellow liner that he would be having snacks delivered each month to him after boot camp.

Jungkook being the last bought him games such as playing cards, crossword books and some puzzle books.

Most of the items would have to be stored until after boot camp was over with, but the thought counted and Tae was much appreciated at the thoughtfulness of his band mates.

The night continued with games and movies and soon it was time to sleep. Tae was happy to have such great friends and these next few years would go by in a flash, he just knew it.

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