Dad Jokes and Migraines

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It is dinnertime at the Bangtan cabin and Jin is starting to feel better, though, not completely. This doesn't stop him from voicing out his lame and sometimes hilarious dad jokes to pass the time while wrapped up in a soft blanket on the couch with the rest of the gang.

"I'm bored." Jimin whines from the other side of the couch as the second movie they've watched has ended. "When's dinner?"

Yoongi grumbles as he and Hobi get up and head to the kitchen to start dinner.

Jin just shakes his head and mumbles, "You could go and help too if you're that hungry."

"But that means work and I'm on vacation." Jimin retorts.

"Then you're shit out of luck then if they decide to make something you dislike. Yoongi and Hobi are tired too from me being sick."

"Whose fault was it to have Yoongi sleep in their bed?" Jungkook cockily says from his chair where he's lying on top of Tae.

"Who's the one that broke his window and didn't tell him?" he threw back and glared at the younger man. "That was not nice of you to not tell him!"

Jungkook shrugs and goes back to talking to his soulmate Tae.

Jin growls as he is ignored and smirks. Time to bring out the big guns with my jokes. He thinks as he gets comfortable.

"You know JK, I am afraid for the calendar this year." He tells the kid.

"Why?" JK replies.

"Its days are numbered." Jin retorts and a groan could be heard in the room.

"That's actually not bad!" Yoongi yells from the kitchen as Hobi laughs.

Namjoon and Jimin look at one another and shake their heads.

"I actually got more." Jin says as he sits up. "What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?"

"I don't know what?" Namjoon asks.

"Sofishticated." Jin says and the room remains quiet except for a giggle in the kitchen from Hobi.

"You're so lame." JK replies.

"And here I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes. It turns out that it was the refrigerator all along." Jin goes on and the room groans.

"I have a migraine now." Tae says as he lays his head down on Jungkook's shoulder. "Make it stop!"

"Keep going!" Yoongi cheers from the kitchen.

"Oh I got more." Jin says, "I am only beginning.

"No hyung." Namjoon says, shaking his head. "You need to stop."

"Well, what did this wall say to the other?" he asks and Namjoon shakes his head.

"What?" he asks, groaning at the thought of the comeback.

"I'll meet you at the corner." Jin says and the room erupts into groans.

"And on that note, dinner is ready." Yoongi says as he pops into the room. "Let's eat before it gets cold."

"And we all end up with migraines from Jin's lame jokes." Tae mutters as they all sit at the table to eat dinner.

"It could be worse; we could be snowed in for days with only his jokes." Jimin says and they all glare at him as he shuts up.

"I'll gladly get sick just to not hear them." Jungkook retorts as he digs into the amazing food.

"You guys are so mean to me." Jin pouts and begins to eat.

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