Game Night - Naughty Version

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Dinner has been made, consumed and put away. Dishes are washed and put away and it's time to unwind some. Tonight they all agreed to a game night as the kids found a few board games and some playing cards.

They begin with The Game of Life, then Trouble before playing Chutes and Ladders and Candyland. When they got bored of board games, they played cards.

Jungkook grinned as an idea came to mind. How about we play some drinking games but there is a hitch. They are dirty games.

"Why would we do that?" Jin asks.

"Because we always play safe games and since there is no one but us here, we can play." Tae argued.

"It's true. When will we get a chance to act like normal guys again like this?" Jimin says.

"Fine with me." Yoongi shrugs, "I'm up to drinking anyways."

"What games are you thinking of?" Hobi asks.

"There are two. One is Truth or Dare, but this one, I found online by mistake and it looks like fun. It's called 'Would You Rather.' You pick out two scenarios from this site and you either answer honestly or take a drink."

"Then you would begin as you know the site?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes, but we need to arrange how we will sit in a circle." JK replies.

"That's easy." Jin says, "You stay in your seat, next will be Namjoon, then Tae, Hobi, Jimin, me then Yoongi."

"Sounds good to me

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Sounds good to me." JK answers as everyone takes their seats.

They grab their drinks and pour their shots and wait as JK begins the game.

"My first question is, would you rather always have sex in the dark or always have sex in the daylight?"

Jin, Hobi and Namjoon right away take shots. JK shakes his head. "What about you guys?" he asks the others.

"I prefer the dark." Jimin and Yoongi say together, which causes the others to raise their eyebrows.

"I like the daylight; I can see what I'm doing." Tae argues. "What about you Kook?"


The room erupts into laughter, "Namjoon, you're up next." JK says as he hands him his phone.

"Would you rather watch strangers have sex or have strangers watch you have sex?" he asks.

Each and every one of them takes a shot.

"Well, that was fun." JK mutters.

Namjoon hands the phone over to Taehyung.

"Would you rather be silenced with a gag ball or spanked with a paddle?" he asks.

JK, Namjoon and Jin take a shot.

"What about you guys?" Tae asks, "I vote for the paddle."

They all agree with the paddle and the game continues.

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