Forgotten Glasses

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Dinnertime has come and gone and everyone goes their separate ways to shower and unwind for the night. The three youngest go play video games while Jin clears the kitchen and washes the dishes. Yoongi is sleeping in his room as his window has been fixed and Hobi is in the study dancing a bit. Namjoon on the other hand has removed himself to his bedroom to continue reading a book that he had brought with him.

He lies in bed with his glasses on, pouring over the pages of words and pictures that align the crisp sheets of paper. The book is on Art History of Korea and is by far the most intriguing book he's ever read. It also takes up a lot of his time away from his band mates as they are all downstairs, minus Yoongi who is sleeping in his room.

The night goes on and he continues reading his book before he yawns. He looks at his phone and realizes that it is already 2am and he should be sleeping. But he continues reading and slowly his eyes begin to shut as he book slips from his hands and his glasses fall from his face.

The early morning goes on and soon Namjoon is waking up to a yell and a knock to his door. He gets out of bed and opens the door to find a fuming Jin standing there.

"What did you do!" Jin yells and Namjoon, still in a sleepy state looks at him in confusion.

"What?" he asks.

Jin thrusts his glasses at him. "They were in the toaster."

Namjoon moves over to his bed and finds his book sitting on the bedside table, but his glasses are missing. He was certain that he fell asleep with them on.

"How?" he asks as the fogginess refuses to let up.

"You must have made toast this morning. The plate is right there next to your book." Jin points out.

Namjoon shakes his head. "I was sleeping."

Yoongi pops his head in, "You were sleepwalking again, weren't you Joon?"

"I was?" he asks and Yoongi nods.

"Saw you myself. You had your glasses on too. I was wondering why the toaster smelt funny. Instead of putting bread in, you put your glasses in instead."

"Oh crap!" Namjoon exclaims as he is now fully awake. "I was wondering what I did with them."

Jin shakes his head, "You are never going to learn, are you?"

"Learn what?" Joon asks.

"How not to be destructive."

Namjoon shrugs, "That's why I am the Lord of Destruction. It's in my nature."

And with that they all retreat from his room and close the door.

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