Snowball Fights

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After the snake incident, the kids are sent outside to wear off some of their pent up energy and to give the hyungs a break from this obnoxious behavior. The afternoon is cool but not as cold as it had been earlier in the week and so Jimin asked if the others would like to come out and enjoy the sun with them.

Jin hesitated, but bundled up warmly as he was still getting over his cold, but being with his band mates and brothers out in the sun, it made him feel better. What he didn't know was that the kids had formed numerous snowballs and were just waiting for the oldest to come out so that they could be plummeted with said snowballs.

A snowball fight begins and Jin is yelling non-stop but the youngest three are giggling and laughing so much that Jin makes his own snowballs and begins pelting the kids like a kid himself.

"No fair!" Tae yells out as he gets hit numerous times with snowballs.

"Well then get behind the wall and keep throwing!" JK yells as Tae leaps over their man-made snow fort wall. "Get the hyungs!" JK yells and numerous balls are thrown in the air and at the older men.

"Yah!" Jin yells as a massive one hits him on the side and knocks him over. "I just got over a cold, you pabos!"

"You're the one that got involved. So deal." JK yells back.

"When I get my hands on you..." Jin begins and gets hit in the head with another snowball.

Yoongi, Hobi and Namjoon go and sit on the porch and watch in amusement.

"When did we get a fourth maknae?" Yoongi asks.

"Wasn't Jin always one?" Hobi asks.

"It would seem like it." Namjoon replies as they hear Jin and the youngest three go at it. "When should we tell them to quit?"

"Let them go. We can go inside while they beat each other up." Yoongi says.

"Sounds like a plan." Hobi says as they head indoors and forget the other four outside.

A few hours pass and Jin is exhausted. He looks around for the other three and realizes that they left him on his own and had ended up back inside.

"I quit!" Jin yells as he runs for the porch only to be hit again. "Time to go inside anyways!

Soon the other three come running out of their fort and into the house, leaving Jin in their wake.

"Brats!" he yells as he enters the cabin and strips all his winter gear off before crashing on the couch. "You had to leave me out there on my own?" he asks the three that left him.

"You were fine on your own." Yoongi said as he sipped his coffee, "Besides, we never said we were going to participate."

"Jerks." Jin mutters and Namjoon shrugs.

The rest of the afternoon they all sit about the living room by the fireplace and relax.

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