The Cooking Catastrophe

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It is the following day and Jin wakes up to a stuffy nose and a headache. He groans as he tries to get up.

"You're sick hyung." Yoongi says from the other side of the bed. "Using the Jacuzzi was not a good idea."

"Ya think?" Jin rasps as he groans before coughing. "Who will cook for you kids now?"

"I will, if I must." He says but falls back. "Oh god! I feel like crap too!"

"This is a disaster." Jin mutters as his door opens and in walks Hobi and the maknae line.

"I don't feel well." Hobi mutters, "The kids are sick too."

"Who is going to cook food then?" Jungkook asks.

"Hopefully not Namjoon." Tae says and shudders.

"I'm not that bad!" he retorts as he enters the room. "You're all sick?" he asks.

Jin nods, "The Jacuzzi was such a bad idea. I regret going in now."

"Too late to do anything about it. Luckily there's cold medicine here. Y'all just take it and get some rest and I will cook you some broth." Namjoon says as he leaves the room.

Everyone looks at one another and groans. "This is a disaster in the making." Jimin says and flops on the bed next to Yoongi.

"That poor kitchen." Jungkook says as he, Tae and Hobi head back to their rooms.

"Why are you still here Jimin?" Jin asks and looks over to see the younger man sleeping on Yoongi's chest. "This kid." He mutters and falls asleep.

Meanwhile, downstairs Namjoon is cooking up a bone broth to help his fellow brothers and band-mates get better. He is lucky that he has yet to get sick.

"They need to get better before we head home or we're doomed." He mutters as he stirs the broth.

An hour or so goes by and the broth is done and he ladles it into bowls and takes them up on a tray three at a time. He stops in Jin's room first and distributes out the broth before heading back for the other three.

There are hums of surprise at the tastiness of the broth but Jin, knowing Namjoon, pulls himself from his warm bed to take his bowl downstairs.

When he reaches the kitchen, his eyes widen at the mess that is that area. Pots and pans are everywhere, food is lying on the floor and broth is lying on the counters where it had been ladled.

The worst part of it is the burn marks above the stove.

"How the hell did he burn the wall?" Jin exclaims as Namjoon comes around the corner and pauses.

"Hyung, you should be resting." He says.

"And you're banned from the kitchen from here on out, not just here but any kitchen! Now out while I deal with this mess." Jin hisses as he begins cleaning up the once pristine kitchen.

"But I did well with the broth right?" Namjoon asks.

"Yes, but this will never happen again." Jin replies.

"Good, it was hard opening those broth cans." He retorts and leaves the room, leaving Jin to look wide-eyed after him.

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