The Sprite Prank

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The morning fiasco with the hot cocoa was over as the boys decided to do their own thing in their rooms.

Hobi sat in his room looking over at the cases of Sprite he had brought on this trip. He knew that the others would be upset that he wasn't sharing, but when the kids decided to drink it all on him the last time, he decided that keeping his stuff in his room was a better option. But this option was not well received and the kids were adamant to make the older man hurt with worry.

It was later that afternoon as Jimin, Tae and Jungkook sat in Tae's room, trying to play a game on their game controller, but were having no luck.

"We should play a prank on Hobi hyung." Tae said. "It's been awhile since we did one last."

Jimin shook his head at the comment. "You know the hyungs will get mad at us, right?"

"And?" Jungkook argued, "Yoongi hyung is mad that he won't share to begin with. So we take them and hide them and divide them out equally to everyone." Tae finished and Jimin groaned before flopping back on the bed.

"Sounds like a good plan to me." Jungkook stated.

Jimin shook his head, "I'm out. I actually like not being in trouble for once." He said as he went to get up from the bed, only to be stopped by Tae.

"Come on, when was the last time we did an awesome prank?" he asked.

"A few months ago. But I wasn't a part of that either."

"Just help us, please?" Jungkook begged.

Jimin shook his head and left the room, leaving the two troublemakers alone.

"His lost. We can always put the blame on him." Tae said and Jungkook laughed.

"That will definitely make him mad at us." He said as they looked at one another with smug looks. "When do we do this?"

Tae got up from his bed and walked out his door and down the hallway and back. He noted that all the doors to the rooms were open and that everyone besides Jimin was down in the living room. He walks back into his room and nods.

"We can go now. They are all busy down in the living room."

The two kids walked down the hall away from the living room and entered Hobi's room. There in the corner sat six cases of Sprite. Taking three each, they quickly dash into Jimin's room where he is not found and hide them in his closet under his clothing.

With a smirk, they quickly exit the room and head back to Tae's room and begin playing video games.

It is later that night, when it's past dinner and everyone is sitting in the living room watching a movie that they see Hobi get up and leave the room. Tae and Jungkook look at one another and smirk.

It wasn't long later that Hobi came racing back into the room with a mad look on his usually cheerful face.

"Who did it?" he yelled as Jin paused the movie.

"Did what?" he asked.

"Who took my Sprite?"

Yoongi looked over the room and he could sense that one of the three kids must have done it, but kept silent.

"It wasn't me." Namjoon huffed.

"Well, someone did it and it's not funny!" he yelled.

Hobi's face reddens as he punches the wall and leaves the room. Jin sighs as he looks at the younger three.

"Which one of you did it?" he asked.

Jimin shook his head and raised his hands. "Not me this time. I learned my lesson the last time."

Jin's gaze landed on the other two and knew that the trouble makers were behind the prank.

"Alright, you two, where are they?" he demanded.

Tae smirked, "Hidden where no one can find them."

Jin and Namjoon groaned and Yoongi laughed.

"At least we can all have Spite now." Yoongi said as he removed himself from his seat.

"That is not funny Yoongi!" Jin yelled, "With his temper, this could cause a big fight!"

"He will be fine." He said as he left the room.

Jin turned to Namjoon with round eyes, "Do something!"

"What can I do?" he said.

"Punish them, find the soda and end this! Now!"

A yell can be heard and a crash before Jimin comes running downstairs and into the living room looking angry.

"What did you do!" he yelled. "Hobi found the soda in my closet! My closet! You two are such jerks!" he huffed.

"At least he found them." Tae said as he and Jungkook ended up laughing.

"And you two are dead." Hobi said as he entered the room with anger in his brown eyes. "You best run before I catch you."

They scramble to their feet and take off. Hobi takes a seat next to Jimin and grins.

"Thank you for letting me know of their diabolical plans. Now they will suffer for the rest of the week."

"It was my pleasure." He says as he shakes the elder's hand.

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