415 33 0

Nov 14, 2023

Sasuke lay in bed, with Naruto gently massaging his scalp. The weekend had been incredible. He felt as though he had had an extended, out of body experience. His muscles were sore all over, and he reveled in the memories of how they had gotten that way. They hadn't put clothes on the entire weekend, spending their days locked with each other in Naruto's bed, shower, and kitchen floor. He was pretty sure they had broken some kind of record.

But somehow, through his satiation, there was something that Mentally he shrugged it away. He was probably just having residual feelings of uncertainty given how fast things had moved over the past month... some sort of emotional whiplash moving from hate to love so quickly.

Love. He felt a tiny snake of ice move through his veins as he realized. Despite all the words of passion, want, longing and desire, that word had not been spoken. Sasuke never said it, but Naruto always had. But Naruto hadn't said it even once this time, at least he didn't think so. Why? Naruto wouldn't have taken him back in this way if he didn't love him. Sasuke knew that.... he knew Naruto. Naruto had shown Sasuke the depth of his feelings for him. He had said other words that conveyed the same meaning. But somehow it scared him that Naruto hadn't said the exact word. Sasuke knew there must be a reason. But if the words were to come, he didn't want it to be because he had forced them out of Naruto. That would be meaningless. He considered his options.

He turned to face his lover. Naruto lay on his side, his eyes closed, a lazy smile on his lips as he continued to run his fingers through Sasuke's hair.

"Hey," Sasuke said, his voice rough from screaming his release over and over for the past two days.

Naruto's blue eyes opened, and his smile shifted from lazy to sexy. "Mmm," he leaned in to nuzzle Sasuke's neck at the base.

Sasuke felt his body respond, slightly surprised that it still could, and fought to keep some blood in his brain. "Why don't you move in with me?"

Naruto's hand stilled in Sasuke's hair, and his body went rigid. "What?" Naruto resumed kissing Sasuke's neck, but Sasuke wouldn't be distracted. He pulled himself away and sat up.

"I said, why don't you move in with me? My place is plenty big enough. And Itachi told me last week he was going to be moving into his old place now that it is finally ready and everything is out of storage." Sasuke thought it potentially had more to do with Itachi wanting some privacy after Sasuke had grilled him about what Hinata had been doing there, but he didn't want to bring that up right now. He was focused on the expression on Naruto's face. After a brief flash of panic, it had completely closed off.

"I signed a year long lease for this place. I still have seven months left, Naruto looked down, then ran his hand along Sasuke's thigh, making small circles as he inched it closer and closer to Sasuke's cock. Sasuke was fighting a losing battle to control his reaction as his dick rose up in anticipation. Naruto levered himself up so his lips reached Sasuke's chest, and he began laving Sasuke's already tender nipple. "My apartment is closer to my studio, anyway," he said, blowing against the nub and watching it harden. "There's no need to rush."

Sasuke's last conscious thought was that he didn't agree, but Naruto's mouth had travelled south and closed around his cock. Further thought became impossible.


Naruto woke in the pre-dawn light. His arms were loosely circled around Sasuke's waist, his chest pressed lightly against to the pale back of his lover as they lay together in Naruto's bed. He was still for awhile, feeling Sasuke's slow heartbeat and listening to his rhythmic breathing. He felt with absolute certainty that his place in the universe was here, at this man's side. There was a sense of completeness, and rightness that had been missing the two years that they had been absent.

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