Part - XXIX

591 40 3

11th Nov, 2023

"I'll call Kiba tomorrow morning, and come by. Maybe... I could meet you for lunch?"

"Lunch would be great," Sasuke opened the door, and paused, looking the blond squarely in the eye. "But you're wrong about one thing you said, Naruto. I never filed the final divorce papers. We're still married."

Naruto lay in his bed, the words replaying through his head over and over again. He still didn't know how to react to them. When Sasuke had left with that parting salvo, Naruto had just stood there like he had been shot between the eyes. Sasuke had smirked, then closed the door softly behind him. Naruto had no idea how long he had just stood there staring at the closed door. He was a little concerned that it might have been more than an hour.

He wasn't quite sure how he had managed to take the bus back to his apartment and gotten off at the right stop. He hadn't bought a car yet, since he had only been back a short while and hadn't been totally sure he would be staying. It was probably for the best that he hadn't driven anywhere tonight, his mind being the complete mess that it was.

Still married?

If he had to be honest with himself, his first reaction had been a surge of pure possessiveness. Mine. Sasuke was still his, at least legally. And just how stupid was that for a reaction? But it was immediately followed up with several other thoughts. Like - what does this mean they are to each other now? And what the fuck had Gaara been doing, not telling him this? And what did that make Naruto, when he had slept with Yahiko and was still married to Sasuke? Naruto had taken their vows seriously, even if he thought for two years that Sasuke didn't. Naruto would never have slept with Yahiko if he had thought they were still married. Never. It didn't matter what Sasuke had done. Naruto had his own moral bar, and he had held to it. He thought. But now...

But that was stupid. He had signed the papers, and just because the state hadn't recognized the divorce, it didn't really change things. He had put in writing that he viewed himself as no longer married. And so had Sasuke. The rational part of Naruto knew that it wasn't cheating, and that Sasuke wouldn't view it as such. To be honest, Naruto didn't even view Sasuke's affairs as cheating, really. Sasuke had already told him in no uncertain terms that their relationship was over, and had given Naruto the divorce papers before he had slept with anyone else. In Naruto's mind, cheating meant that you told a person you would be faithful, and then you weren't. Cheating was not breaking up with someone, filing for divorce, then immediately having sex with other people. That was being an asshole. But not a cheater.

He lay there, looking at the ceiling and trying to figure out what he needed to do. After spending two years keeping everyone at arms length and avoiding almost all ties with his old life, he was suddenly thrown back into total immersion. He needed to call Shikamaru and Kiba, and let them know he would be coming by tomorrow. With Suigetsu working there, he was sure they had already heard he was back in town. It was already getting pretty late, so he should do that soon. Then he needed to call Gaara, and chew his ass out for not telling him that he was still married. Since Gaara never slept much, he didn't need to hurry up with that.

Next he should probably warn Hinata, but he would do that tomorrow, since it was so late. She might completely pass out if Sasuke confronted her with the sordid photos and she had no advance warning. He wasn't sure Sasuke would even bother, now that he knew the truth, but he couldn't be sure and didn't want Hinata taken by surprise with it all. Especially not by Sasuke, since she had always been so uncomfortable around him. She had not done anything wrong, really. When he had told her to stop, she had.

Yahiko had left him a message, just wanting to know how he was doing. He was supposed to have met him at the Onyx tonight, but wasn't up to it. Especially not now that he would have a full day starting with an early morning tomorrow. He'd sent him a text saying he wouldn't make it tonight. He'd have to talk to Yahiko tomorrow though. He'd meet him at the club. And tell him he was still married, at least for now. Yahiko would know what that meant for Naruto. It would mean they were back to being just friends. Naruto liked Yahiko, but the thought of not being lovers anymore didn't bother him. He supposed it should, but he had always known it was not serious between them. And had been up front with Yahiko about it as well.

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