Part - I

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2nd Nov, 2023

The story will be little straight forward and harsh at some points that can trigger you. Read on your own risk.

Please comment if you like it. Your votes are appreciated 😌.


I can't fucking believe that bastard. Naruto thought hazily, staring down at the empty drink in his hand, idly watching a drip of condensation roll down the side of the glass. He had lost count at this point on how many he'd had.

After all we went through together, he won't even tell me why. That fucking ice princess.

He motioned the bartender for another. Naruto didn't register the man's concerned look. His parents' death, Itachi's accident, his general fucked up insecurities and paranoias.

I stood by him through all his shit. Since we were fucking 12, I have been his best friend. God damn him. Now he says it was all just nothing? Just sex? We were married for three years, and it was all just nothing?

Naruto felt a wave of anguish wash over him as he remembered the day that they had gotten married. It had been warm and sunny. And perfect. Everyone had been so happy for them. The Golden Couple, the had called us. Naruto sneered uncharacteristically. One of the first gay couples in Japan to have married. Sasuke had come from one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in Japan, and he had taken a risk to be so open about their relationship. And now...

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Naruto looked up fuzzily to see a gorgeous red-head in a tiny dress with significant cleavage leaning towards him, smiling invitingly.

Seriously, what is with these people? Naruto thought irritably. It was the sixth or seventh interruption since he'd sat at the bar. Five women and two men. But Naruto's response was always the same. "I'm married," he flashed his ring and turned back to his drink.

At least I was.

He had no notion of how attractive he looked with his black jeans and white button-down shirt, an orange T-shirt peeking out underneath, golden hair messily sticking up. He was just over six feet tall, with the broader frame of his ancestry making him stick out about as much as his coloring in a room full of Japanese. But it had never been something he thought much about, or been particularly vain about. All that had mattered to him was that he was attractive to the one person who mattered.

I can't believe it's over.

He thought numbly. Tonight was the last night he'd have keys to their house. He had designed it with the architect when they had gotten married. They had lived together in that house for almost three years. Three amazing years. Now it's over. Out of the blue, Sasuke had told him he had a week to sign the divorce papers he had presented him with (left on my fucking desk) pack his stuff and get out. Then the asshole had just left on a week-long business trip to the US.

Wouldn't talk to him. Wouldn't meet with him. Wouldn't return his calls. With no explanation as to why. Just that he was done with Naruto. All he would say was that he found him inconvenient to have in his house. Incon-fucking-venient! There had been no shouting, no fight.

It's like he fired me, like I was just some sort of employee filling the role of husband, and he fired me.

Didn't even care enough to make it a proper break-up. After being together in some form or another for more than ten years, he felt like he deserved a fucking breakup.

And a reason. But he knew Sasuke. Knew him as well as he knew himself. And he knew it was really over. And that Sasuke would never tell him why. That door had already been shut, locked and fireballed to hell. And he would never know why. He'll be back in the country tomorrow, Naruto thought hollowly.

I can't see him again. I can't let him tear me down any more, or I might never get the pieces back together again. I need to be out of here before noon tomorrow.

He had already had the movers take the few things that were actually his from the house, mostly from the room on the second floor where he painted, sketched blueprints and generally "did his creative thing" as Sasuke used to call it. After college, they had started their own company together. Itachi was running the family mega-corporation, and rather than being 'second in command', Sasuke had decided he wanted to try a venture on his own. Itachi had been the angel investor (and they had laughed so hard over that financial term being applied to Itachi) for the new corporation supplying the seed money. Naruto had been the creative genius behind it, blending his technical knowledge and intuition for people, and Sasuke had applied his financial and business savvy. They had met with tremendous success in every business they took on. But more than the thrill of the financial success, it had been fun. Working with his best friend, and building something from nothing. Combining their natural strengths and abilities. Naruto sighed, and thought dully that he should sell his 33% share of the company to Sasuke or Itachi. He knew he could never work there again. With him. And Sasuke could run things just fine without him. Sasuke can always manage anything. He felt the bitterness well up again.

Naruto was only taking things that had belonged to him prior to their marriage from their home, and that wasn't much. Any of the things they had bought together he wasn't touching. They just had too many painful memories associated with it. There was just the clothing left at this point. He would go there tonight, and sleep one last night alone in that enormous bed that he had shared with Sasuke. He shivered as he remembered all the things that they - Stop it! It's over. And that fucking asshole has finished it. Just pack your shit and get the hell out of here. He paid the bill at the bar, and staggered out and caught a cab to his home. His ex-home. He made up the steps to the entryway of the house, trying to suppress the memories of all the times he and Sasuke had walked them together. And what so often happened as soon as they were inside those large paneled doors.

Why had he even come back tonight? He should have just had the movers pack his clothes for him and sort them later. Why was he doing this to himself?

Because it has to be a clean break, or I won't be able to heal. I need to leave behind anything that has too many memories of him.

He fumbled with the keys, leaning heavily against the door as the world spun around him. He didn't usually drink. He couldn't even remember the last time he had been this smashed. But it didn't matter now. He just had to get through this last night, then he was fucking out of here. Out of Japan and out of that sadistic bastard's life for good. He'd go somewhere far away and start picking up the pieces. He just needed to make it out of here without seeing Sasuke. He knew he couldn't take it, or he'd break.

The house was dark, but he didn't bother turning on the lights. They had lived here for three years, and he knew where he was going. He staggered up the curved staircase and down the hall to their bedroom. He'd just throw the clothes he was keeping on the bed for the movers to take in the morning, after he had sorted out any that reminded him of Sasuke. Then he'd go sleep it off in one of the guest rooms, and be out of here before Sasuke got back at noon. There was no way he could sleep in their bed again. Not after everything that had happened.

"Fucking bastard. God I hate you for doing this,"

He whispered to the empty room. And was shocked when he heard it whisper back.

"You're the one who ruined this. Don't act all sad now just because you got caught," the voice was one he recognized instantly. It's tone and timbre were seared into Naruto's being. But the sheer hatred that laced it was new to him. At least, new for being directed at him.




I'll try not to make it lengthy like my other stories. Well, don't forget to check out them as well 😉
I'll be back soon with the new chapter..
Take care and stay healthy and hydrated. love you all 🥰❤️

Cr: NaruLove11
Dt - 02/11/2023 - 15:58
1482 words

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