Part - XIII

536 37 1

6th Nov, 2023

The next day, while Sasuke was at work, Shikamaru found himself summoned to the Uchihas' apartment. Itachi was seated at the kitchen table, having just returned from his first session of physical therapy for the day. His body might be weak, but his mind was focused as ever. "I want you to tell me everything you know about what happened between Naruto and Sasuke, and where Naruto is now."

Shikamaru swallowed nervously. Itachi was incredibly protective of his brother. And incredibly dangerous when angered. But Shikamaru had seen, as few others seemed to recognize, that Sasuke was destroying himself. If anyone could pull his friend out of his downward spiral, it was the man sitting before him.

"I don't know what caused the split. I can honestly say that Naruto didn't either. I haven't seen him in almost two years, since Sasuke put the divorce proceedings in motion - Itachi's head snapped up at that deliberate choice of wording, and Shikamaru paused.

"You mean the divorce isn't final?"

"No. Naruto won't sign the papers. He retained Gaara -" Itachi's eyes narrowed at that news... this would make things much more difficult. "And Gaara has been throwing every trick in the book to prevent us from filing contempt of court charges or getting it pushed through without Naruto's signature."

Itachi looked at Shikamaru. He had always respected this man's intelligence, and knew that it would be next to impossible to outmaneuver him in the legal realm, even with someone as skilled and determined as Gaara. Unless Shikamaru was willingly going along.

"What aren't you telling me about Naruto." It wasn't a question. Shikamaru hesitated only a second. No matter how intimidating Itachi was, there was no doubt that he would see the truth behind things where Sasuke was too blinded with hurt to be able to. Shikamaru described exactly how Sasuke had ended the relationship with Naruto, and Naruto's clear bewilderment and hurt. Itachi sighed, recognizing the trademark Uchiha ruthlessness in his brother's actions, but regretting it nonetheless. "Itachi, when Naruto left here he had a complete mental breakdown. He... ended up in a hospital and almost died. He had lost over fifty pounds by the end, and took an overdoes of sleeping pills." Itachi blinked, the mental image of the happy, energetic blond almost killing himself was something he could hardly get his mind around.

Shikamaru nodded in acknowledgment and continued. "Gaara won't tell me where Naruto is, but I don't think he is in the country anymore. He hasn't made contact with any of his friends or business contacts since Sasuke threw him out of their house. Gaara says he has been recovering since then, but - he's in at least as bad of shape as Sasuke. Whatever Sasuke thinks Naruto did, he didn't"

A tension that had nested in Itachi's stomach uncurled slightly. He trusted Shikamaru's judgment. And his own. Whatever had happened, he was sure that Naruto didn't do this. It was always easier to take down an enemy that you didn't like. He wouldn't have to go after Naruto.

"Does Sasuke know?"

"No... Gaara only agreed to keep me informed if I promised not to tell Sasuke. He said he 'didn't want to give the bastard the satisfaction"," Shikamaru grimaced.

Itachi narrowed his eyes again, but didn't argue. He would feel the same way if roles were reversed. But it was painfully clear to Itachi that things were not what they appeared to be. He had to get his hands on those photos and hotel records. He wondered where Sasuke kept his safe. If only so much time hadn't passed. If only his brother hadn't done what he had. If only he hadn't been in a coma. So many wrong turns. Itachi sighed. The hard part would be to get Sasuke to acknowledge that he even had any interest in fixing things.

"Don't let Gaara finalize the divorce until we know what really happened," Itachi stated flatly. Shikamaru looked skeptical. What was it with these Uchihas thinking he could make Gaara dance to his tune? They were both insane. But he would try. And he knew that Gaara cared for Naruto. It's possible that he could be persuaded that this was the right thing.

"I'll try. But it might become necessary at some point for you to talk with him directly if Naruto gives in and signs the papers. Gaara backed off a bit when he saw what a mess Sasuke was becoming, but he still is going to do what is best for Naruto."

Itachi nodded slowly. He would need to get his strength back. He hated being weak, be it physically or mentally. Mentally, he didn't have to worry any more. He was fully back. But physically... it was going to be a long recovery. And he was going to make sure that Sasuke got back on track, with or without Naruto. Itachi spent the rest of the afternoon pouring bottles of alcohol down the drain while on the phone with the head of every department from both the family corporation and Sasuke's own. By the time Sasuke came home from the office, Itachi had a list of things for him to do that was so long it would take him at least 6 months to be even halfway through. He didn't even leave his brother time to pitch a proper fit about all his alcohol being missing.

Itachi smirked, watching his brother stomp off to his room like he was still a teenager. It was good to be the older brother.



Well, don't forget to check out my other stories as well 😉
I'll be back soon with the new chapter..
Take care and stay healthy and hydrated. love you all 🥰❤️

Cr: NaruLove11
Dt - 06/11/2023 - 13:50
970 words

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