His mother looked to him in surprise, "I was unaware you were in a relationship." She told him. Frowning, she looked over to Aurora once more. Her gaze roved over her entire frame and when her eyes landed on her abdomen she lingered for a while. "Oh, I see." She murmured to herself.

Aurora wanted to disappear. She already had a tough time meeting new people and his mother had a very unsettling gaze. She was making Aurora feel extremely uncomfortable with how she was scrutinizing her body. 

His mother sighed dramatically, and then stood up and walked past them back into the house. "Severus, I'd like to speak to you for a moment." She said as she passed by them. 

Snape sighed and pulled Aurora back into the kitchen and walked her over to the cleared space at the table. "Stay here and don't touch anything." He told her sternly.

Aurora nodded lightly and took a seat at the table. She watched Snape and his mother disappear into the sitting room and then there was nothing but silence. 


Snape's POV

Severus followed his mother into the sitting room and immediately put up a privacy spell. "What is it?" He asked impatiently. He didn't like leaving Aurora alone for too long, she might try to run away from him. A small grin threatened to split across his features at the thought of him chasing after her. 

"She's pregnant." She stated while giving Severus a disapproving glare. 

Severus smiled slowly, "she is." He said smugly.

His mother's scowl deepened and she crossed her arms over her chest, "you don't have to marry her just because she is pregnant."  She told him. 

Severus frowned at his mother's words, "that's not why I am marrying her." 

She stared at him for a moment like she didn't understand why he couldn't see what was wrong with him being with Aurora. "Severus, she is a pureblood." 

He shrugged, "yeah, so?" 

His mother rolled her eyes and sighed exasperatedly. "So, her family probably isn't going to be too happy with this arrangement." 

Severus laughed, "you're right, they weren't. They disowned her, but she doesn't have to worry because I will marry her and we will have our own family." He told his mother resolutely. 

Eileen put her hands on her hips and fixed her son with a stern glare, "Severus, I know you feel responsible for her because of the situation you have found yourselves in but don't make this decision lightly. Marriage is a big step and I just don't want to see you stuck in a loveless marriage like I was." 

Severus clenched his jaw tightly as anger began to fill him. She was being deliberately obtuse and he couldn't understand why she was so hesitant about him marrying Aurora. Aurora is perfect and he couldn't see a single reason why he should not go through with his plan to claim her completely. He had honestly thought that his mother would love Aurora. 

"Whose fault was that mother? I'm not stupid enough to pick someone who is inferior to me. Aurora is perfect in every way and she is the one I choose." He bit off a little too harshly. 

They glared heatedly at one another for a while before she said, "if that is your decision."

"It is." He snapped and turned to leave the sitting room. He almost tripped over a pile of precariously stacked books next to the love seat. "You should really straighten up." He said over his shoulder. 

"Watch it!" His mother snapped back at him and he felt a smile creep across his features. 

His Aurora was sitting perfectly still with her back ramrod straight and her legs crossed when he reentered the kitchen. Her eyes were fixed determinedly on the wall in front of her and was trying way too hard to make it seem like she had been doing nothing. He knew better though. She was exhibiting more than a few of her nervous tells. She was breathing a little erratically and her lip was sucked between her teeth as she brutally chewed on it. 

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