Chapter 9: Holding On and Letting Go

Start from the beginning

That night Danny was tossing and turning and sweat was all over the place. He moaned. Not in a good way. He was hurting and I couldn't watch it. There was no way he could play tomorrow night. Sweat ran over his for head. I woke him up. I hated it, but I was too worried.

'Dan, baby can I get you some water', I said. He nodded slowly. I grabbed some water fast. 'Here you go, Dan, holy shit your hot, not in a good way', I said. 'Not good', Danny said almost in a whisper. His breathing was heavy. 'Dan we need to get you to the hospital now, this is not normal, your temp is way up high, let me help you get dressed', I said.

I was so worried about him, I could barely think. Tears were streaming down my face, but I tried to stay strong for Danny. What was wrong with him? This wasn't a normal cold, this was not because we had sex on top of Croke Park.

'Fuck, Dan were are the ke... DAN!', I yelled in panic. He was lying there on the ground. Still. Sweat around his body. God no. I can't drive him, I need to call the alarm number now!

I called an ambulance. Inside the ambulance I called Mark and asked him if he could tell Glen and Anna. They promised they would be there as soon as possible. In the mean time Danny was still unconscious. "He is stable madame, you were just in time", the paramedics kept saying. That didn't took my worry away.

Seeing him like this made me cry and desperate. I called his mother from his phone that the paramedics gave to me. His mother who didn't even knew we were together again. His mother that I always liked.

I had to wait. And boy I hated waiting. Glen and Mark came rushing over. Anna was stuck in a shift and couldn't leave. Not even for an emergency like this. Lucky she was almost done.

'What happened, when we left everything was just getting a little bit better', Mark said worried. Mark was worried. I didn't like it, Mark never worries about anything.

Tonight he was tossing and turning and cold sweat was running over his body, he had a high temp and I wanted to take him to the hospital myself to check up on him, I gave him some water and then he collapsed on the floor, I was so scared', I sobbed. 'Come here girl', Mark said and he gave me a hug. I sobbed.

'What if I am too late', I said. 'They say that you were just in time right, that is a good sign, besides Danny is no were near to be done at this planet, he just found you back, he is taking over the world and he isn't leaving before he put some little O'Donoghue's on this planet', Mark said. 'Huh', I sobbed looking up. 'Eh sorry, not the correct timing to start talking about kids, did Danny ever mentioned something to you?', Mark asked. 'No he didn't, and neither did I', I mumbled between sobs. 'I am sorry', Mark said. 'It's okay, if there will be a next time, I will not discuss this with you, but with Danny okay, please don't mention this again', I asked. 'I won't, I promise', Mark said quickly.

'There is the doctor', Glen announced. 'He is awake, weak but awake, one person can be with him, but he is asking for miss O'Brien', he said. 'Go...', Mark said. 'Are you sure', I said. 'He is asking for you', Glen said pushing me in the right direction.

I walked into the room. Not knowing in what state I would find Danny. I was scared. But he was sitting up straight. He had an IV on his arm and was hooked on machines. I had to bite my lip not to burst out in crying. I hated seeing him like this.

'You came', Danny said with a weak smile. 'Of course I came, Danny boy I was so worried, you gave me a heart attack', I said. 'Sorry Kathy baby, what's the verdict doc', Danny said trying to be cool. I went to sit on the edge of his bed next to him. Putting an arm around him. His head nestled against my shoulder.

'Mr. O'Donoghue has experienced poisoning, there were some tracks from Arsenic in your blood, small tracks we could clean your blood fast because lucky for you your girlfriend saved your life by waking you up, if you would have stayed asleep, you would have been dead, you will be fine in a couple of days, when you get trough the night without problems the IV can come off, then you can go home tomorrow, under the care of your girlfriend and friends, otherwise you have to stay here after tomorrow', the doctor said.

'Arsenic, that is like a well known poison used on rats, is it on purpose this action?', I asked. 'If Mr. O'Donoghue has any enemies, it could be, but that is the problem with poison miss O'Brien, there is no trace. Mr. O'Donoghue, she's a keeper and a live saver', the doctor said with a smile.

'I know right', Danny said putting his head further on my chest. 'Baby I was so worried, I am still worried, who would want to hurt you', I said indignant. 'More people can come in now if you like, should I get them?', the doctor offered. 'Please, thank you doctor', Danny said. 'Would you do me one tiny favor?', the doctor said with a smile. 'Which is?', Danny asked smiling back. 'My daughter, she is a huge fan of The Script, would the 3 of you sign her cd if I bring it tomorrow?', the doctor asked. 'Why don't you bring her, it's okay if she will be very careful and don't spill things to the press', Danny warned. 'Thank you', the doctor said. 'No thank you doctor, for saving my life', Danny said. 'Miss O'Brien did most of that', the doctor said.

Glen and Mark came in. 'So we heard you saved his life', Glen said with tears in his eyes. 'Glen, don't cry please', Danny said embarrassed. 'Sorry, but my best friend almost died', Glen said sarcastic. 'Guys I am going to be all right, as long as Kathy is around I'll be fine, I ow her my life', Danny said.

So the big question is of course, who poisoned Danny. Someone close to him, someone close to Kathy? Another enemy in the game? Don't forget to vote and comment.

Last Night I went to Taylor Swift concert in Ziggo Dome, which brought back a lot of good memories from The Script concert at 20th of March. Taylor was amazing, I am already fan from her for over 8 years now. Wow time goes fast. I am positive that I stay loyal like that to The Script as well. :-D x

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