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Word Count: 5.3k

The entire car ride I found myself trapped in a palpable disquiet filled with a mundane and concernment converge, a choice lingering in the air surrounding me: listen to my silent alarm or dismiss it as an irrational thought. Everything that was usually deemed normal became tinged with an unsettling ambiguity, a landscape filled with hidden meanings that I tried to tell myself were all in my head. And, for the life of me, I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom wracking my entire being. "You alright lass?" Soap asked, ripping me from my whirlwind of troubling thoughts. Glancing back at him, I offered a quick nod and forced smile, "Never better..." I mumbled quietly, turning my body back around, gazing through the window and out into the passing landscape. 

After what felt like an eternity, our vehicle halted to a stop near the outskirts of the large, abandoned prison, the atmosphere seeming exceptionally eerie, or maybe that was just my mind playing tricks on me. Each of us filed out of the SUV, slamming our doors behind us as cold winds nipped out our exposed skins. "Graves'll have this place on lockdown," Rodolfo stated as he pulled open the trunk, retrieving three large duffel bags filled to the brim with different weaponry. Ghost reached for one, nodding his head, "Expect patrols on the outside," he added on, slinging the heavy sack over his shoulders. "No doubt," Soap agreed, repeating Ghost's process of snagging a duffel bag before letting it hang on his back. 

The unspoken warning still played out through my head, a prickling feeling erupted throughout my body that something was wrong, though what that was remained elusive. My eyes kept wide and alert, scanning the surroundings with a heightened sensitivity, trying to discern what was causing of my unrest, but was met with nothing. "We geared up?" Ghost's voice called out, snapping me from my trance. Maybe this was just the blood loss still affecting me, that's what I decided to chalk it up to anyway. Any distractions could be fatal, not just for myself, but for Ghost as he was going to be relying on me and Soap's guidance through the outsides of the prison. "Guns, ammo, and charges in the packs," Soap replied with a wide grin.

Rodolfo nodded his head as he pulled a large military device from the very back of the trunk before looking back out at the rest of us, "I've got the plummet gun. Ascenders?" He asked, glancing between me, Ghost, and Soap. "Check," we all replied simultaneously. With a quick head nod, Rodolfo began to guide us toward a small trail. As we progressed, a silent struggle to reconcile my unspoken need for evidence to approve my gut feeling managed to keep my mind occupied, drowning out Soap and Rodolfo's chatter. A tug of war took place deep in the pits of my consciousness, the rational side of it versus the visceral sense that alerted me of potential dangers. My brain unable to make out what that "danger" could possibly be.

Shaking my head, I continued down the trail behind everyone else until we came face to face with what looked to be a twenty-foot tall fortified stone wall with watch towers stationed at every corner of it. Soap and Ghost each held up their long range weapons, marking what targets they were going to hit before letting shots fire, none of which making a noise due to the silencers attached to their rifles. "Y/n, Rodolfo, take the ones out in the field," Ghost muttered over his comms, still firing bullets into unsuspecting Shadows. It took me a few moments too long for that command to register, instantly being picked up by everyone around me. "You sure you good, lass?" Soap asked, eyeing me up and down.

"Peachy," I mumbled before peering through the scope of my pistol, my finger lightly squeezing down on the trigger, releasing small, controlled bursts of gunfire into my designated targets. This was something I could get lost in, something I've always been able to when things troubled me. Each Shadow dropping lifelessly brought me just a little bit more comfort, the familiarity of it all serving as a reprieve from the unease running rampant through my mind. With a deep sigh, I brought the gun back down to my side as I crouched low to the ground, slowly moving through the tall grass, using its green blades as cover. "Make sure to keep low," Ghost called out quietly through the comms, the four of us taking down any and all Shadows near us the closer we got to our infil point. 

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