Eyes On Me

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A/n: there will be smut in this chapter, be advised.

Word count: 6.7k

The helicopter ride had all sorts of tension thickening the air, everybody was fuming or confused over something, except Soap of course. No, Soap was kicking his feet at the edge of his seat, trying to talk to Alejandro, but received no answers. Valeria and Alejandro participated in long, hate-filled staring contests. Apparently they knew each other, or at least that's what Soap told me when I was too busy avoiding eye contact with Ghost. Graves was non stop shooting steely daggers into me with his eyes, probably wanting to shove me off his military craft. Ghost was doing the same thing, except the emotion in his gaze was unreadable. He's so hot and cold, one moment we're yelling at each other and the next he says, or does, something that spikes my heart rate for reasons I will not be sharing.

Regardless, the minute the chopper hit the ground inside of Alejandro's base, I was already launching myself off of it, just needing to get away from everyone so I could think in peace. Think about what Ghost does to me, think about what's hidden beneath his mask, think about what goes on in his head, think about his lips on mine. What? Shaking my head, I took a deep, cleansing breath. These thoughts needed to be dealt with, locked in a box to which I throw away the key. "Earth to Y/n," Soap called out, standing directly in front of me, waving his hand in my face. My cheeks heated up as I met his gaze, almost scared he could hear my heartbeat from where he stood. "Yep, that's uh- me," I stuttered, groaning internally. 

He raised an eyebrow before grabbing my shoulders, shaking them, "C'mon lass," he grinned, pulling me with him toward what looked to be a large shipping container, the inside illuminated only by a single bulb hanging from the ceiling overtop a metal folding chair. By now the sun had fully risen, the warmth of its rays alleviated some of the stress and confusion weighing down on my bones, the crisp summer wind blowing in my face grounded me somewhat in reality. The reality that my mind was occupied by Ghost, much to my dismay. I thought we despised each other? I thought he'd be the death of me and I'd be the death of him? Wasn't that how this was supposed to be? 

My eyes remained forward, watching as Graves shoved Valeria inside of the metal, rectangular container before pushing her down on the seat. My feet moved at the speed Soap's did as his arm remained loosely draped over my shoulders, saying things to me that I just couldn't quite hear. Not when Ghost was this close to me, not with his eyes never leaving me, eyes that I have avoided ever since he uttered those five words, and eyes that I will continue to avoid until I figure myself, and my feelings out. From my peripherals, though, I could see the way his hands clenched tightly into fists at his sides, his body language exuding frustration, anger. Why? That's not for me to know, nothing about him is what I need. 

The rest of us began to file inside the claustrophobic room, the air inside dingy and dank smelling. Ghost stood on one side, and I decided to stand on the complete opposite one, his fists clenching again. Graves' annoying fucking voice ripped me from my swamp of a mind, Ghost taking a backseat inside of it finally. "How do you two know each other?" He asked with an accusation filled tone, censure dripping from his words like acid as his fingers pointed between Alejandro and Valeria. Alejandro scoffed and shook his head, getting more upset than I'd ever seen him, "Know is a strong word," he growled, his eyes narrowing down at Graves. Well fucking finally somebody else doesn't like him as much as I do.

Valeria grinned from where she sat, crossing one leg over another as she relaxed back in her seat, "Las palabras fuertes son importantes. Nuestra palabra es nuestro valor, verdad (Strong words are important. Words are our worth, right)?" She stated from her chair, shrugging her shoulders. Alejandro began to shake with rage, his face contorting and twisting into an expression that was nothing short of absolute fury, "Vete al infierno, maldito hijo de puta-- Voy a matarte (Go to hell you sonuvabitch-- I'm going to kill you)!" He roared, fire dancing in his eyes as he rapidly approached her. Rodolfo shot his hand out, pulling him backward "Cálmate, comandante (Calm down, commander). "Alejandro-" Soap jutted in from next to me, some traces of concern making its way to his face.

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