What They Say

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Word count: 2.2k

My eyes widened as I looked deep into his own, searching for even an ounce of dishonesty, an ounce of deceit, expecting him any moment to break out into a dark chuckle and say he was just "bloody" kidding. But no, all I saw staring back down at me was the most tender expression I'd ever seen from anybody, especially Ghost. His eyes were soft, his eyebrows relaxed and not pulled together like they usually were. For the rest of his face, I have no fucking clue. At that moment, it was just me and him, together, alone in a hallway waiting to debrief. Not much mattered to me right now, all the fears and anxiety melted off of me underneath his gaze. Even if this feeling was only temporary, which I knew it would be, it was comforting for now. That's all I cared about.

There were only a couple times Ghost had shown me his true emotions, shown me what was hidden deep below his stony exterior, below the bitterness, the anger, the hatred. This was one of those moments. And I couldn't have been more grateful. He was letting me look through the windows to his soul, to see him for who he really was, how he felt, everything. The doubt once etched in my features slowly began to give way the longer I looked into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes filled with raw pain, hurt, sadness. Just like my own. As one final tear began to roll down my cheek, the pad of his calloused thumb gently brushed it away.

My head leaned into his touch, my eyes softening the longer I kept my gaze on him. He was more intoxicating than the best drug on Earth, whatever that may be, just one taste, one touch, and I knew I'd be addicted. If I wasn't paying such attention to him I would've missed it completely. His gaze darted down to my full, pink lips, my eyes taking note of how his adams apple bobbed beneath the edge of his balaclava. His stare met mine again, an unreadable emotion flickered in his eyes before he dropped his hand back down to his side, taking a step back. My eyebrows furrowed together, my stare flitting across his features, watching how they began to harden back up.

As I took another step forward in his direction, he took a bigger one back. My lips parted to say something but snapped shut just as fast. His eyes bored into me with an impassive gaze, the windows boarded up, never to be looked through again. Using his black cargo pants, he wiped the dried blood off his knuckles the best he could before putting his gloves back on. The proof of his emotion hidden beneath the rough fabric, the proof of his sympathy hidden beneath his mask, lost in the emotionless void he calls his eyes. But the cracked wall next to my head, the warmth that was once in my heart, heeds the truth. Though his stare is blank now, deep below his surface I can see the hesitancy in everything that is me.

Without another word, Ghost turned away from me and walked into the room. Taking a deep breath, I slowly walked in after him. All eyes immediately fell on me. Awkwardly smiling I internally groaned. The walls probably weren't sound proof, and even if they were, Ghost yells louder than fucking plane engines, so no doubt everybody heard what we said. Lucky fucking me. My eyes flicked over each person, soaking up their expressions in under a second.

Alejandro was leaning against a large wooden table using the palms of his hands to keep him steady, his gaze darting between me and Ghost. His lips were pulled to the side with wide eyes, looking like he'd just seen his parents fuck. Rodolfo, on the other hand, couldn't even maintain eye contact with me, or Ghost for that matter, his mouth opened like he was about to speak, but the words didn't quite form, so he just shook his head and pressed his lips together. Meanwhile, Soap grinned at me, flashing me two thumbs up, "Sounded really productive out there," he joked, not lighting up the tension in the room even a little bit.

Glaring my eyes down at Soap, I approached him before taking the seat to his left. The second my ass made contact with the chair, the loudest creak I think I've ever heard in my entire life filled up the dead silent room. A few seconds later, Soap bursted out into a fit of laughter, shaking his head. "Shut up," I mumbled under my breath, crossing my arms over my chest. Rolling my eyes, I turned my back away from him. Can you guess what happened next? The chair creaked from beneath me, loudly. Of fucking course I picked the broken chair. Soap somehow managed to laugh louder, which I took as my cue to stand the hell up and walk away, the chair sounding out one last time.

Betrayal | Ghost x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora