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Word count: 3.7k

Chewing at my lip, my eyes followed Ghost and Soap's silhouettes running off. Shaking my head and sighing softly, my feet began to moved quickly under my frame, quickly catching up to them, my boots splashing against small puddles of deep, red blood. The village was decorated with the corpses of fallen cartel members, fallen AQ soldiers, fallen Los Vaqueros. Alejandro was right, the streets of Las Almas were undoubtably laced with death. The three of our guns were raised high, firing endless rounds of shots into anybody who dared to block our path. Just about anywhere we ran through was drenched in a sea of red, the smell of iron hung thickly in air, so much so I could almost taste its metallic nature on my tongue. The further we went, the loud ringing of gunfire continued to exemplify.  

The three of us worked well together, guarding each other's sixes, taking out enemies in either one of our blindspots, like a well oiled machine. We were a team. After running for a few more moments, weaving through crumpled buildings and narrow alleyways, Alejandro and his men came into view. My eyes fell to his fingers clicking on his comms, probably saying something important to the rest of us. This must be my karma, of course, I smashed up my fucking earpiece, why the hell did I even do that? Everyone nodded their heads in return, looking around at one another. My eyebrows furrowed as I approached Alejandro, wanting to receive some sort of clarification, but he had already turned on his heel, sprinting between a clearing of two cobblestone walls.

My eyes widened as I followed him alongside the rest of the team, the edge of a mountain ridge as our trail. Well, here's my second dose of fucking karma, I'm horrified of heights and here I am, running down the outskirt of a three hundred plus foot drop. "Down the hill! We'll lose them in the mountains," Alejandro yelled out, looking behind at the rest of us for a moment before turning his head back around again. At least I was able to get that vital piece of information. The world fell away directly to my left, the expanse of open space stretching deep into the valleys below was almost dizzying. 

The wind ruffled my clothes and hair as I continued to progress forward, trying to keep my body as stable as humanly possible. The soft soil beneath me became more sparse until my feet were left smashing against the rough and rocky terrain. The scent of pine and gunpowder filled my nose, I'd take that smell over the dead body iron smell over any day of the week. Every stride I took was a calculated risk, one wrong turn or misstep, and I'd be flying off the edge of the damn mountain. My eyes remained focused on the ground, side stepping out of the way of rocks, leaping over fallen branches, and barely managing not to trip over my own feet. "Straight to the bridge!" Alejandro ordered from in front of us. Are you serious? A bridge? This is my own personal hell. Maybe I did get hit with that bullet.

Following closely behind Alejandro, my eyes bulged as I watched him begin to jump down steep jagged edges of rock the further we went. Groaning loudly, I repeated the same process, managing to keep my footing, truly defying all odds. The fact I didn't topple over and my bust my ass into a trillion pieces was nothing short of amazing. Nervously, I continued to leap off the steep rocks, mimicking Alejandro's motions as best I could. My eyes flicked back at Soap for the briefest second, making sure he was doing alright. Then came my third dose of karma smacking me right in the face. Literally. As I turned my head back around, a tree branch that appeared quite literally out of nowhere slapped me in my face. Cursing loudly, I shook off the stabbing pain and continued to run forward.

As if it couldn't get any worse, bullets began to fly in our direction from behind. The pained grunt of a Los Vaqueros soldier echoed through my ears, I was too busy trying to not turn into human Swiss cheese to figure out who it was. Quickly, I began to weave through towering, thick trees and dense underbrush in a zig zag pattern, doing my best to outsmart the bullet's owners. "Cover!" Alejandro called out loudly as he bent down, grabbing one of his injured comrades, Rodriguez, and dragging him behind a large, weathered rock. The man quickly stood up like a fucking champ, "I was only hit in my back plate, I'm good," he muttered through gritted teeth before sprinting off again.

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