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Word count: 2.6k

Was this the right decision? Probably not, it was more than most likely going to end in my death and I can only hope it won't be painful. Hopefully a headshot if I'm lucky, a sniper perhaps so I really won't feel anything or notice until its too late. Shoving a powdered egg into my mouth a tear trickled from my eye, which I quickly wiped away with my sweaty ass palms. The sticky sensation was almost enough to make me gag more than the nasty ass eggs ever could. 

A feeling of calm washed over me like a gentle wave of the ocean, my choice beginning to feel more right. This is what needed to be done, in all honestly I felt like it would be more beneficial for both sides. What was I really bringing to the table? I was just another soldier, I wasn't important. My life really didn't mean much, and I'm sure the information I had already provided would be more than enough for the Task Force. Besides, I'm sure they have technology that could get them anything else they could possibly need

With a contented sigh, I looked back down at my plate, my features scrunching up into a grimace. My fingers moved my fork around the globs of eggs, somehow they began to congeal into one another creating a weird slimy texture. "Eugh," I mumbled, continuing to pick at my food. I must've looked like a child, sitting alone and grumbling as I poked around the contents on my plate. Shaking my head, I stood up and tossed out the rest of my rations before walking out of the mess hall again, right back toward my barracks. I'm sure they ate better during World War II. 

Ever since I'd been in this base, my mind had been swirling with emotions, swarming around my brain filling me with unease and other feelings I had suppressed long ago. And finally, for once, my head felt clear of the fog that had inhabited it the second I agreed to help the team, the haze blocking my eyes vanished into thin air and I could finally, finally see things for how they really were. A small smile etched itself across my mouth, the heat feeling less unbearable, the people seeming less significant alongside all my other duties.

Softly I shut the door behind me, making my way over to my untidy bed, eyeing the bunched up bundle of clothes in the corner of my room. My father was right in my nightmare, I was a traitor, but now, I was going to make it right. I was doing the right thing, going back to where I belonged no matter how fucked up that place may be. It was where I was raised to be, trained to be, born to be. And I was okay with that, not everybody gets their happy ending, or desired one at that. To have good in the world there has to be some bad. I was the bad, so people like the Task Force could be good. It's like a fucked up merry-go-round that I can never get off of.

Running my hands over the crinkled up mess of my still damp sheets, how they were still damp I have no idea, I smoothed out its wrinkles, tucking the corners under the mattress of my bed, making sure it was taut. My fingers gripped the other white sheet and repeated the same process before draping the grey fleece blanket over top of it. Taking a step back and admiring my work, I rolled my eyes at the fact I still had no pillow, but that wouldn't matter anymore. 

I approached the heap of dirty clothes and dumped it into the laundry basket next to my wardrobe, wiping my hands against one another and grinning. "All in a days work," I mumbled to myself before plopping back down on my bed, groaning when I realized I had just fucked it up again. There was no way in hell I was going to redo my bed after I had just spent 10 minutes cleaning everything else... what can I say? I'm lazy and proud. Leaning my head back on the window seal, I stared up at the ceiling littered with cobwebs. How gross. Thank God I hadn't seen a spider of else I would've demanded a room transfer. 

Now all I had to do was figure out exactly how I was gonna pull my plan off. Gaz, Soap, Ghost, and Price don't seem like they're total fucking idiots. If I were to just run off surely they'd notice and would have no problem whatsoever shooting me down before I even got a few meters away. My eyebrows furrowed together and my lips pursed, "The fuck am I supposed to do," I mumbled under my breath. 

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