New Life

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AN: This is Y/n's backstory which will be important later on.

word count: 1.1k

"Here, hold it just like that- yes perfect y/n!"

A sense of accomplishment washed over me as I stared into my father's proud eyes. The weight of the rifle felt heavy in my small hands, but my grip remained firm around it.

"This is called the safety." My father explained, pointing at the small lock near the trigger. "What do you think that does?"

"I don't know baba," I began, "it keeps the gun safe?"

My father let out a soft laugh, "no my dear, it stops the gun from shooting."

"Baba..." my soft words trailed off as my gaze shifted from the rifle to my father's beaming eyes, "why are you teaching me this?"

My father kneeled down next to me and sighed, "because, my dear, one day you will become a great AQ soldier just like me," he whispered with a small smile.

"But baba... I don't want to hurt anybody..." I averted my eyesight back to the large rifle in my hands, slowly chewing at the thin skin on my lips.

"Don't you want to make your father proud?"

"Yes baba bu-"

"Then you will do as I say." His tone was now harsher, and colder than before. 

Tears formed in my eyes as my voice began to quiver, "yes sir."

My childhood had been ripped from my tiny hands, my innocence slowly encapsulated and overshadowed by my father's thirst for blood, his thirst for me to share the same desire. But I didn't, it wasn't built into me how he so desperately craved it to be.

I was constantly burdened with the feeling of never being good enough, no matter how hard I tried, no matter how many people I killed. All because of him.

Envy filled me from the toe top, watching other girls my young age playing with Barbie's, and bonding with their fathers over cutesy things, like father-daughter dances, or playing dress up. Not by going to gun ranges, or being forced to watch him murder innocent people to teach me a "lesson", "you can never be too heartless, my dear," he would tell me before the loud pop of a rifle caused my ears to ring.

My mother, my poor mother, would try her best to protest. Her heart ached as she saw the wonder fading from my eyes, slowly replaced by a numbed emptiness. Anytime she spoke out, she would be met with a slap to the face. Soon, I also began to notice light fleeting from her own eyes, only furthering the sorrow harbored deep inside of me.

"Mama, I'll be okay, I promise." I would tell her, doing my best to fill her with promises I knew weren't true, so maybe, just maybe, she'd feel okay. She would nod as tears flowed from her tired eyes, "I know you will always do what is right, my sunflower."

As years passed the weight of my everyday life grew heavy on me, my father always robbing me of any joy I had left to muster. Eventually, I was nothing but a hardened shell of the girl I once was. 

5 years ago

"Get packed my dear, we're leaving," my father demanded as he threw a bag in my direction, and motioned for me to get up. I looked up at him from across my room, watching his tall figure tower in front of my doorway. I slowly rose myself from my bed and grabbed the small black backpack from off the floor, a bag once filled with books and papers only this morning, now empty.

"Where are my school supplies?" I asked in a confused tone, my eyebrows knit together tightly. "You won't need them anymore," he replied. My heart sank as the realization of what was happening hit me, just like his fist once I began begging no, pleading for him to let me stay.

"Please father, please don't make me," my eyes stung with tears, "please no." I heaved between words, "you can't make me!!" His fist connected with my face once more, a warm liquid spilled from my nose running down the crevices of my soft lips. The smell of iron lingered in the air, and I could taste it on my tongue. "You don't get to decide. You do as you're told." His voice boomed through the small confinement of my room.

"What's going on?!" My mother frantically ran into the room, first looking at my father with confused eyes before her gaze landed on me, then my nose. Her eyes widened in shock as she ran to me, "my sunflower what happened?" The pain in her voice was evident, the pads of her thumbs carefully wiped the tears flowing endlessly from my eyes. 

"She's leaving," my father snapped, "now get up y/n we're going." I shook my head violently, my pleads incoherent as I blubbered no. I slowly backed up against the wall as he began advancing toward me, his heavy hand grabbing the nape of my neck and dragging me out of the room.

My body writhed in every direction as I tried freeing myself from his grasp, "mama!!" I screamed, the blood running down my face mixed with the salt of my tears as I thrashed my limbs trying to break free, "mama please!!" my words were obscured by loud sobs.

"Shut up y/n!" my father growled, his eyes pierced into the back of my head like a laser as he continued to drag me forward. "Please don't..." I could hear my mother's soft voice from behind me, slowly drowned out by my father's yelling, "she will leave NOW."

My body shook with each wave of emotion, my eyes darted around the rooms I was forcefully dragged through, soaking up the last of the memories I could remember. I wouldn't be back for a long, long time, if ever.

I finally managed to turn around and saw my mother broken down on the floor crying, "I love you forever, my sunflower," her voice timid and concealed by her own cries. My heart shattered as I croaked, "I love you forever mama."

Suddenly the door in front of me was swung open and I was forced into a military vehicle stationed in front of my house. "Father please..." I stared up into his cold gaze as the door of the car was slammed in front of me. My face contorted with anguish, my eyes red and swollen as salty tears continued to cascade down my features. My shoulders heaved with the weight of my sorrow, my chest rising and falling in irregular rhythms as the car filled with my guttural sobs.

As the engine sparked to life I shifted my eyeline towards my house where I found my mother alone, crying in the doorframe. I placed my hand on the window and mouthed "I'm sorry" as the car slowly drove off. I stared at her with defeated eyes until she became just a speck in the horizon. 

From the front seat I could hear my fathers voice, "welcome to your new life y/n, I have trained you well. Make me proud."

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