Las Almas

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Word count: 4.1k

The obnoxious sound of Soap telling dad jokes to Ghost over the earpiece, that somehow found its way back into my ear, caused me to stir awake. Slowly blinking my eyes open, the once night sky had turned a bright blue, almost blinding my vision. The next awesome thing I'm greeted with as I wake up is a deep ache starting from the base of my neck down into my spine. Growling loudly, I tried to roll my neck around in an attempt to soothe my angry nerve endings which only resulted in a protest from my stiff joints.

"Of fucking course," I grumbled to myself as discomfort began to gnaw away at my bones, my body erupted into a pins and needles sensation that traveled all the way from neck down to my legs. "You slept like a fucking rock," Soap laughed over the earpiece, looking over in my direction with an amused smile, "How'd ya sleep? Looked pretty comfortable." Glaring in Soap's direction, I shot up the most sarcastic thumbs up I could muster, "Oh just fucking peachy, thanks so much for asking," I snarled, rolling my eyes. Needless to say, I wasn't a morning person.

"Someone's grumpy," Soap mumbled before laughing again. It took every fiber in my being not to rip out my earpiece again and throw it straight off the helicopter. Instead, I took a deep calming breath before flashing Soap my middle finger. Turning my head behind me, a plethora of cuss words spewed from my mouth all thanks to the crick in my neck. "You talk to your mother with that mouth?" Soap joked again. Growling loudly I shot Soap the deadliest glare imaginable before my hand immediately launched up to the side of my head and snatched the earpiece straight out of it.

God, he can be so annoying sometimes. Returning my attention back out to the landscape below, I could tell we were close, and I could finally get off this stupid hunk of flying metal. After a few more minutes of twiddling my thumbs and occasionally glaring at Soap, we began our descent down to Earth. The ground below slowly began to come into sharper focus, and I could make out some military vehicles surrounding what I assumed to be where we would land. Dust and debris stirred up from the powerful downwash, a swirling maelstrom forming beneath the chopper.

The mechanical sound of landing gear jutting out of the bottom of the helicopter sounded throughout the cabin, which I took as my cue to rip off my seatbelt and stand up, Ghost and Soap soon doing the same. The wheels of the chopper took most of the shock as we hit the ground, the floor of it shaking slightly, almost knocking my ass straight down onto it. The ear piercing sound of the rotors finally subsided, my hearing was still slightly muffled from having to listen to it hours upon hours on end.

The doors of the chopper opened, and through them I could see two black military SUV's come into view alongside one very attractive man, if I do say so myself. Soap swung his arm around my shoulders and shook me slightly, grinning down at me from ear to ear, "Don't think I didn't notice the lovey-dovey eyes when you saw Mr. Mexican Special Forces," he chuckled. My cheeks blushed and I rolled my eyes, "Shut the fuck up." Ghost glared at Soap and grumbled to himself before storming past both of us.

Soap chuckled and slapped my back before catching up to Ghost. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I wiped the sleep from my eyes to look as presentable as possible. Who knows, maybe I just found my future baby daddy. Just kidding... mostly. Quickly I made my way toward Soap, Ghost, and mystery man, all of whom seemed somewhat acquainted already. "Alejandro," Soap grinned. Alejandro... a sexy name for a sexy man.

"Sergeant MacTavish," Alejandro replied in a thick Spanish accent, extending his hand out to Soap who gladly took it before shaking it firmly, "Call me Soap," he replied with a slight head nod. A small smile formed on my mouth as my eyes followed Alejandro's every move, biting at my lip without even realizing it. Ghost glared down at me before roughly yanking me off to the side, "Stop fuckin' staring, you look like an idiot," he growled lowly before releasing his grip on my arm.

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