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Word Count: 3k

The silence was deafening even over the ocean's crashing waves and loud cracks of nearby thunder. Eventually I peeled my eyes opened and just stared into the dark sky, rain pelting me all over my face and intermingling with the tears filling my eyes, rolling down the smooth skin of my cheeks. Brights streaks of lightning would illuminate the atmosphere for just a moment before they'd disappear only to be followed by a loud, shaking boom. Still, the silence was getting to me. The true silence, the quietness that followed after I professed my love to Ghost in a moment of weakness. To pour my heart out to him and be left with no answer in return, no snarky comment, no gruff half-assed reply, no "Sorry Y/n but I actually do not love you", no nothing

The only thing to fill up this silence was a voice that made the sadness in my chest grow for a completely different reason: Graves. Graves and his stupid, dumb face. And his stupid, dumb voice. And his stupid, dumb Shadows. And his stupid, dumb outfit. And his stupid, dumb everything. "Ghost, this is Shadow-1, head over to the docks, over," he quickly stated into the comms followed by a brief static and then back to silence. I needed Ghost right now, needed him to tell me it'd all be alright, that I did the right thing, that I was okay. But, we sat in complete and utter quietness. Saying nothing at all hurt more than just telling me he didn't feel the same way. What was I truly expecting? A standing ovation? A Shakespeare type reply, reciting a quote that would be make swoon? 

Still. I needed something, anything that wasn't just this. But, of course, that was all I would get. Ghost steered the boat away from the ship and over to where we came from, back to the dock where I'd have to sit in the SUV and watch water trickle down the window, choosing which droplet would win against the other, and try not to think about Blaze, or the fact that Ghost had basically rejected me in the worst way possible after I had saved his literal fucking life. Ghost didn't even bother to glance at me once, I bet if I jumped off the edge of the boat he wouldn't even notice, and if he did, he wouldn't even care. My lip began to quiver, having to use my teeth to bite into the pink flesh to stop myself from breaking down again.

The minute we reached the docks, I hopped straight off the boat before Ghost even cut the engine. Soap's eyes even had tears in them as he bolted to where I stood, wrapping his arms tightly around my body. "I- I thought I lost you, both of you," he whispered in my ear, his voice wavering. My head found solace in the crook of his neck as I lightly cried into it, my entire body shaking under the weight of my emotions. "I-I'm s-so sorry," I blubbered into the crease of his shoulder, my legs feeling like they would give out from under me at any second. Soap tightened his arms around my waist and nodded his head, "It's okay, it's okay Y/n," he whispered softly, rubbing my back like Blaze used to do.

My heart ached in my chest as I wrapped my arms tighter around Soap as well. We stood like that for a minute before we both calmed down and broke off of each other, he flashed me a weak grin that I softly returned. "C'mon, let's go and we can get all cleaned up," Soap mumbled, shaking my shoulder slightly before making his way toward the SUV that Alejandro was already sitting inside of, giving me a small smile once he saw my gaze land on him. Slightly nodding in return, I began to walk up the SUV as well before Ghost grabbed my shoulder and forced me to look up at him, uncertainty filling his stare. 

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Graves giving hushed orders to his Shadows before getting into his own vehicle. Weird, but I didn't necessarily care about that at the moment. Not with the question that escaped Ghost's lips, the words making my chest tighten, "What did he mean when he said you were hiding something?" My eyes widened, my mouth dried and my mind completely blanked. My gaze fell down to the ground, yet another tear escaping the threshold of my waterline. "Something I would like kept unknown," I whispered, not wanting elaborate. Ghost nodded, clearly wanting to probe me but fighting against that wish. "But I'm learning that probably won't be possible for long," I whispered under my breath, not knowing whether or not Ghost had heard me.

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