A Dumb Move With Unexpected Outcomes

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(Feat. So483ksmg4's newest OC, Rachel)

Vondel, Netherlands

November 13th 2023


Rachel: "I gotta hide, I gotta hide! What was I thinking?!"

Sprinting down the road, a young 21-year-old woman named Rachel looks back into the foggy streets where voices are heard shouting; the woman makes a turn down the road and opens the door into a shoe shop where she sprints inside and gets in the bathroom and locks the door before sitting on the closed toilet seat to rest and catch her breath.

Sprinting down the road, a young 21-year-old woman named Rachel looks back into the foggy streets where voices are heard shouting; the woman makes a turn down the road and opens the door into a shoe shop where she sprints inside and gets in the ba...

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She moves a strand of hair away from her eye and looks at her phone, seeing an image she took. She hisses in frustration before muttering to herself softly.

Rachel: "Damn it, Rachel...what the hell were you thinking?"


In a clothing store, Rachel was busy looting for spare clothes she could get her hands on before leaving the city, she had to be discrete due to the occupation of an unidentified group moving in and locking down the whole city.

She grabbed a shirt from the side and placed it in her backpack before turning and saw a red lingerie, which she inspected, admiring the make of it and putting it away. Suddenly, she flinched at the sound of a blast.

Rachel "Ah!"

She turned and looked out the window to see a group of 4 men dressed in red and black uniforms with military equipment marching down the road together. She ran and hid behind a chair and watched them walk by the shop.

Curious, she stepped out of her hiding spot, grabbed her phone from her green shorts and opened her camera app to take a photo of the men. However, she left the flash on; it went off and caught the attention of the 4 men who turned around and took notice of her.

Soldier: "Huh?! Она нас сфотографировала!"
(She took a picture of us!)

Soldier 2: "Она, наверное, шпионка! Остановите ее!"
(She's probably a spy! Stop her!)

The 4 men ran toward the shop, scaring Rachel who started sprinting toward the backdoor and ran out onto the streets with the 4 men still chasing her.


The young woman lets out a sigh of frustration and gasps the second she exhales; she hears voices coming from outside. They followed her.

Soldier: "Радослав, посмотри туда. Остальные будут обыскивать другие здания. Она не может быть далеко."
(Radoslav, look in there. The others will search the other buildings. She can't be far.)

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