New Mercenary OC of MWII

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Name: Flurina Zimmerman

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Name: Flurina Zimmerman

Age: 30

Species: Human

Occupation: KorTac contractor (Formerly), Mercenary (Currently)

Residence: Singapore

Born: Zürich, Switzerland April 1st 1993

Relationships: (TBA)

Language(s): French (First language), German (Second Language), English )Third Language, Arabic, Spanish

Nationality: Swiss

Height: 179 CM

Weight 154 LBS

Blood type: A-

Callsign/nickname: Cutter (Formerly), Eyeball

Equipment: Flashbang, spotter scope, heartbeat sensor, stun grenade, decoy grenade, frag grenade, claymores, proximity mines/ jumpers (I call them jumpers), C4s


FJX Imperium

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FJX Imperium


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Born and raised in Zürich from a family with a military background is easy for Flurina who adapted quickly to the lifestyle at the age of 20. She was busy training her sniping skills primarily when she goes out hunting with her father in the Swiss forests.

Her mother and father are both great snipers and have been training Flurina who admired both of them. She enlisted in the Swiss army academy at age 21 before being expelled after she caught her drill instructor negotiating with an Al-Qatala insurgent who was freed after being detained 2 days ago. The drill instructor fabricated a story saying Flurina cheated in her test.

Knowing Flurina well as she's their daughter, her parents investigated and had the drill instructor and the AQ insurgent arrested. When asked if she wanted to return to the academy, she refused. At age 29, Flurina left Switzerland to go to Singapore after an employee working for the international PMC, KorTac contacted her. She agreed to join but left 9 months later after a disagreement with a fellow contractor.

She is described as a brave and unforgiving sniper who doesn't back down or forgive people who plead. To this day, she is one of the best snipers in the mercenary world. People have given her a nickname, 'Eyeball' they once called her 'Spotty' due to her good perception and her ability to accurately pin point the locations of her targets on a drone. Now they call her 'Eyeball' due to her good perceptive eyes.


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