The Woods (Ghost Tale III)

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The sounds of laughter are shared around a campfire in a forest as 5 classmates of Class 1-A sit around the warm fire, sharing jokes and a few hilarious stories. Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, and Kyoka Jiro, all smile and laugh after hearing a story from Mina.

Sero: "Didn't take you for being quite a joker, Ashido!"

Mina: "Aw, it's nothing. I do know someone who's better than me, though."

Kaminari: "Oh yeah? Who would that be? Someone in our class? Our school?"

Mina: "Nah, someone else. A pen pal."

Kirishima: "That's a shame. But, do you at least know any jokes from them?"

Mina: "Eh, I remember one of her jokes but...I might butcher it so..."

Everyone lets out an 'aww', ashamed that they can't hear the funny joke. Kaminari sips his bottle of water before clearing his throat.

Kaminari: "Uh, did anyone see what forest we're in? Because I heard a tale about this place...if this is the right forest."

Jiro: "Getting spooky? You end up being silly, Kaminari."

Mina giggles while Sero and Kirishima lean forward to listen.

Sero: "We're all ears, man. What's the tale?"

Kaminari: "Alright, I'll spill."

He clears his throat once again as he looks at his classmates, all listening to him tell the tale of the woods they're in.

Kaminari: "So, long, long ago, around like the, uh, 13th century I think, a battle between 2 sides took place here. A group of samurai clans and an army of bandits from I think Okinawa. Anyway, they all fought here. Many, many samurai warriors and pirates died here. And I heard that travellers that walk through here often go missing! It's believed that the spirits of samurai and pirates attack and kill the travellers!"

Jiro: "Pfft! Haha!"

Everyone looks at Jiro, confused, Denki especially, who raises a brow as she laughs.

Kaminari: "Uh, what's funny, Jiro?"

Jiro: "Kaminari, your stories-- You sound so dorky trying to sound so spooky! Hahahah!"

Kaminari: "Oh c'mon, Jiro, gimme a break! I'm trying to be scary at least..."

Mina: "Ooohh, I'm sensing some adorable couple tension!"

Kaminari: "Uhm- wh- what?!"

Jiro: "Mina what did you say?!"

The 2 young heroes, Kirishima and Sero, both laugh softly as they watch the commotion take place before their eyes. Soon that fun comes to an end...


Sero: "Huh? Did you guys hear that?"

They all look in one direction, deep into the woods. The sounds of twig snapping echo through the silent woods followed by the sounds of a branch snapping. Suddenly, they hear a loud thump near the campfire and they all look and gasp in shock to see a large shirtless man with an eyepatch wielding a katana without a hilt.


Sero: "WHOA!"

Kirishima: "OH NO! VILLAINS!"

Kaminari: "AAH!"

2 more men drop down from above, from the branches, all wearing bandanas on their heads. One has octopus tentacles for fingers, the other looks like a boar as he has the head of a wild boar. The 2 men wield what look to be katanas, but their handles have bits of string and cloth around them, likely to strengthen their grip on the blade.

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