Rescue Op III (Random Chap)

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(Idea by gameman01)

On a hill near Oslo, Norway, a young lady walks home to her house, tired after jogging for 2 hours. She unzips her hoodie as the chilliness in the air gets cooler and bits of snow fall from the sky. She walks to her doorstep, twisting the knob as she walks into her home, feeling the heat embrace her.

 She walks to her doorstep, twisting the knob as she walks into her home, feeling the heat embrace her

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Upon entering, she notices a footprint on the floor, indicating that someone is in the house

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Upon entering, she notices a footprint on the floor, indicating that someone is in the house. She starts hearing a man's voice upstairs in her kitchen/dining room. Curious, she walks up the stairs slowly, coming across a man wearing a hood over his face, sitting at the table where he's muttering to himself in Norwegian.

 Curious, she walks up the stairs slowly, coming across a man wearing a hood over his face, sitting at the table where he's muttering to himself in Norwegian

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Man: "Vent, slå, snapp, gå. Vent, beat, snatch, go... Vent beat, napp, og gå..."
(Wait, beat, snatch, go. Wait, beat, snatch, go... Wait beat, snatch, and go...)

He turns his head to the corner and sees the lady upstairs and she pauses, shocked and confused why a man like him is there. Suddenly, the man sprints off his seat toward her, tackling her against a nearby wall and he gets up and starts kicking her in the stomach.

Lady: "Aahh! AAH!! STOPPE! STOPPE!"

Man: "Bare gi meg pengene, kjerring! Da går jeg!"
(Just give me the cash, bitch! Then I'll go!)


Lady: "GAAH! AHH!"

The man stops, sighing and he kneels down to her where she groans in pain, sobbing softly as her stomach's been kicked multiple times. The man pats her pockets and grabs money from her pocket, and he puts it in his hoodie's pocket. He kicks her one more time before walking down the step to leave the house. As he walks out the door outside toward the steps, he pauses after seeing a red laser pointer shining onto the stairs in front of him.

Man: "Hva?"

He looks around and the laser shines onto his chest as he faces the opposite direction of the stairs, clearly confused as to where the laser pointer's coming from. It then shines onto his lip, cheek and then eye.

Man: "Agh!"

He squints as it then shines onto his forehead. Suddenly, it moves to his left shoulder, which is then struck by a bullet, causing him to scream in pain as the laser then points to his right shoulder, which is then hit by another bullet. Suddenly, coming down the stairs, a KorTac operator with his helmet visor down rushes down the steps and uses the but of his gun to knock out the robber.

 Suddenly, coming down the stairs, a KorTac operator with his helmet visor down rushes down the steps and uses the but of his gun to knock out the robber

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Man: "GAH!"

Upon hitting the ground, the robber's head bleeds and he lies there, unconscious. The contractor speaks into his radio, with his colleagues which aren't far from here. Looking up at the sky he sees the recon drone that recorded the woman entering her house and getting jumped by the robber.

KorTac Contractor: "Sir. Suspect neutralised, contact local PD."

KorTac Commander: "Copy. ETA 5 minutes. In the meantime, tend to the injured civilian inside."

KorTac Contractor: "Yes sir."

He switches the safety on his gun on, letting it hang on his straps as he walks inside to help the poor lady in pain. He walks up the stairs, hearing soft sobs and groans where he sees the injured lady, leaning by a pillar near the table, holding her stomach.

Lady: "Faen, det gjør vondt..."
(Shit, fuck it hurts...)

She looks ahead, and seeing the contractor there, grabbing cream from the pouch on his belt as he approaches her, moving to tend to her injuries. He kneels by her as he helps her sit easily.

Lady: " me..."

KorTac Contractor: "Don't worry, you're ok..."

He begins rubbing cream on her stomach where she was hit as he can see some marks on it. He rubs a bit more before helping her stand up and sitting her down on the bench by the window where she lays down, sighing.

Lady: "Where's that..."

KorTac Contractor: "Unconscious... Police will arrest him and you will get your money back. We were monitoring the area for suspicious activity and we saw him in your house. I came as soon as you arrived, trying to help. But it seems I was late... But not too late since he's outside, but late because you got hurt."

He goes to leave, but the lady calls out to him.

Lady: "Vente. Wait, wait."

The contractor stops, turning his head to look at her.

Lady: "Please stay for a bit... Please."

The contractor grabs his radio.

KorTac Contractor: "Sir... Hostage wants me to stay, what's the order?"

KorTac Commander: "Stay for now. We're on our way, ETA, 3 minutes."

He places the radio back into a pouch on his vest and walks to the lady lying down and sits by her as she holds her hand out for him to hold.

KorTac Contractor: "Do you have a name, miss?"

Fiona: "Fiona... My stomach still hurts..."

KorTac Contractor: "It will get better, Fiona... It will."


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