He immediately ran and hugged jungkook and both of them sighed in content.

They settled down with some snacks and blankets.

"Ok i will start first" jimin started "i am dating"

Jungkook widened his eyes because he can't believe jimin is dating.

"Tell me who is it?" He asked with his widened eyes which made him look cute and funny at the same time.

"Actually I m dating two people" jimin said kind of being scared of his reaction, but he was also confident about it because jungkook was the one who explained him.

He heard a gasp "jimin you are CHEATING?"

"What the fuck nooo you potato head, i m not cheating on anyone. I m dating two people at the same time"

It took jungkook sometime to process what jimin actually meant and then it hit him. Very hard.

"What the fuck, tell me it's hoseok hyung and his kitten looking like police husband?"  Jungkook asked.

"Yes" jimin replied while having a blush in his face and felt shy.

"WOAHH hyung when did that happen?" Jungkook was now more excited to know about jimin's love story.

Jimin explained him everything and clearing his doubts. By the end of the story jungkook was squealing and jumping like a  bunny. In the whole day this was the very first time he felt soo happy.

"Ok now you tell me what happened?  And dont lie to me because today during photoshoot I also noticed your behaviour."

"Was it that obvious?"


"Ok fine hyung listen what's happening. I have fallen in love with Kim Taehyung. But when i first told him about our fake dating I clearly told him not to have feeling and I will also not have feelings at all. And I guess maybe he really doesn't has feelings for me and if i confess to him he will make fun of me and leave me. And today I was all fine with him but when I went to change my dress bogum entered the room and told me that taehyung and him were ex and he knows it that taehyung still have feelings for him. And let me be honest from the day we started to fake date only problems happened and he always had to face it. I will just leave him and he can do whatever he want. He can date in real and there won't be anymore problems in his life." By the end of it jungkook started to cry and jimin consoled him.

"Kookie I m really sorry i didn't knew about your feeling and forced you both for the photoshoot. Should I cancel that?"

"Noo jiminie that's one of my best memories and if you taehyung hyung's solo photo can you give me that?"

"Sure kookie I have it, but are you sure about break up?"

"Yes hyung i really don't deserve him. He should be free and enjoy but here i have hold him in a fake relationship."

They kept talking about  different stuffs and then went to sleep.

End of flashback

Taehyun recahed his house and locked himself in his room. He was hurt, badly hurt. He realised that he does not have a single friend to help him, his love of his life behaving rudely. He feels like he is used and he feels soo bad about getting himself used. He should have been careful about making friends and trusting people.

Its been a month now since jungkook started to ignore him. He even blocked taehyung and whenever taehyung tried to talk him he shuts him up by saying mean words which always breaks his heart.

Taehyung has started to isolate himself. He is not being much open about himself which is worrying his family alot. Hoseok decided to ask jimin what if he knows something.

It was the next day and all the students were busy as thier semester in gonna end and their final exams are gonna start.

Taehyung was in his class packing up his things that's when jungkook entered the class.

Taehyung kept looking at him and there was an awkward silence between them.

"Hyung can we meet today in the same park?" Jungkook asked

"Ok fine, at what time?"


"Ok I will be there."

Jungkook was hurt because taehyung always called him with sweet nicknames but now because of the distance he created in their lovely relationship.

It was a peacefull evening. Children playing,couples holding their hands, people exercising etc.

Jungkook was sitting on the same bench where they first kissed.

After few minutes taehyung arrived who visibly looked scared. His eyes holded different emotions and one of them was scared. Scared of being rejected or left alone. Even though his family lovess him alot and he loves them still he felt an emptyness of someone he wants to cherish and love for his entire life. He already imagined jungkook to be his future partner and have a lovely family with him.

"Hyung can we sit and talk?" Jungkook asked politely

"Hmm" taehyung sat next to him and looked at him.

"Hyung i won't sugar coat it or beat around the bush, I will just directly say it. I think we should break up now."

Thats it. That's the moment everything got destroyed for taehyung. He felt his hands shaking, throat getting dry. He couldn't believe that it's been almost an year of them being in a relationship and now they are breaking up. He felt a weird pit form in his stomach and he felt to puke out everything he ate.

"What happened jungkook? Did any if my behaviour hurt you or did I say or do anything which hurted you?" He managed to say it without stuttering.

"No hyung. Its just I dont want us to be in a relationship. Its better for both of to go on our own path and enjoy our life"

"Enjoy our life?" taehyung felt to scoff at that statement. How can he enjoy his life without the person he love.

"So are we breaking up now?" Taehyung once again asked just to confirm he isn't hearing things.

"Yes" jungkook replied.

"Can- can i hug you for one last time kookie?" Taehyung asked. He was trying to supress his emotions and not cry in front of jungkook.

"Yes hyungie"

Taehyung hugged him tightly and sniffled his sweet scent. He knows he won't be able to feel this feeling in his entire life and this is the last time.

He took his own time and then backed away from the hug.

He sighed and then gave him a smile. Jungkook stood up and raised his hand for a handshake.

Both smiling and looking at each other.

"It was great meeting you Mr. Kim"

"Same to you Mr. Jeon"


Can someone cry at their own story, because here i am a cry mess. LMAO.

Well just one chapter more about their college life and then the story will take a whole 189° turn

Anyways dont be a silent reader and keep commenting and don't forget to like and vote the story.


Fake BoyfriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon