thirty. stress relief

Start from the beginning

"Do you want me to come over? I can buy some stuff from the store and we can have a spa day at your house." Bada offered.

"Wait, really?" Jin asked, sitting up straight with her eyes widened.

"Yes!" Bada replied eagerly.

"Okay, pull up." Jin chuckled as her lips began to form a smile.

"I'm already out of the house." Bada said. "I'm gonna stay on the phone with you while I'm at the store so we can both pick stuff."

"Okay." Jin said.

"Wait. I want to make this good but I don't know exactly what to buy." Bada said.

"I'll look it up and Google to see what we should get." Jin said, looking down at her phone screen as she began to type away.

After a few seconds, she found a site that provided her with some decent answers.

"Found something." Jin said.

"That took a minute." Bada remarked with a chuckle.

"I was trying to find a site that would tell us the order we have to use the stuff in because... I don't know." Jin explained.

"What site are you on?" Bada asked.

"WikiHow." Jin answered.

. . . . .

A few minutes passed before Jin heard a knock on her door whilst she was laying on her couch, half-asleep.

Upon hearing the muffled thuds, she rubbed her eyes and sat up, slowly getting up and walking over to her front door.

Upon opening it, she was met with the sight of an extremely happy Bada, the girl grinning from ear to ear as she held a large plastic bag in her hands.

"Hi!" She greeted her lover enthusiastically, pulling her into a gentle hug.

"Hey." Jin replied as she embraced Bada back and ushered her into her home, shutting the front door afterward.

"Are you ready?" Bada asked as she held up her bag.

"Mm-hmm." Jin hummed with a nod.

"So what does it say to do first?" Bada asked while taking off her jacket.

"Uhh... It says to take a bath first. But before we get in the water, it says to use the skin mask first." Jin read from her phone.

"What skin mask? You didn't say to buy that." Bada said, her expression confused.

"It says you can make one at home so I did." Jin said as she took Bada's jacket from her, then she pointed to a bowl sitting on her kitchen counter that was covered by plastic wrap.

"Ohh." Bada exclaimed with her mouth in an 'o' shape as she slowly nodded.

"Wait here. I'm going to set everything up for us." Jin said, snatching the bowl off the counter and walking to the bathroom. "I'm so tired..." She muttered.

"We can be tired together." Bada smiled as she leaned against the armrest of Jin's couch.

Jin turned the light on in her bathroom before she began to turn on the water in her tub, then she began to mix some bubble bath into the water while it was running.

𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ➸ 𝒃𝒂𝒅𝒂 𝒍𝒆𝒆Where stories live. Discover now