16. For me

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After Charisma had finished prepping her sons, she headed to the quiet location that housed a coffee shop and other services that stayed off the radar but allowed them some freedom from time to time.
She walked into the coffee shop and waited as Charlotte was shown in by Miguel, he then retreated outside.
She smiled and sat opposite her mom. "What is this place?."

"A lil piece of outside normality that your father has built here when he moved out here to Canada... because of times like now for me, where it is hard for me to move around up top..." she told her.
"I'm sorry we didn't get to finish talking at the house."

"It's okay... the love you and dad have for each other is intense...

"Had, baby girl.. had..." she smiled.

"Whatever you say

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"Whatever you say." Charlotte smiled.

"Tell me about you Charlotte... I sincerely hope that you had a good upbringing and life..."

"I did... my parents... adopted parents gave me a good education... I've been working in politics since I left university.. I'm the PA to councilman Harding...

Charisma smiled. "That's great.. it really is..." she paused. "I'm so sorry...

"Mom I get it... and trust me I get it even more now...and I'm not bitter about any of it... as I said I had a great upbringing... I just always wanted to meet you... you are everything that I knew you would be.." she said. "And dad, he's one crazy guy, but he's cool....

"If there is one thing I do know it is that your father will protect and love all of you... no matter what ... and the man he was when you were born is not the man that you know today... he's, easier going now." She said with a screwed up face.

Charlotte laughed. "You're funny.. I wonder how you have a sense of humour after everything... aren't you ever scared?.."

Charisma raised her eyebrows. "Keegan trained me... I was once upon a time scared of my own shadow and being with him is one hell of an eye opener I can tell you that... but he taught me everything that I know.. he made me strong and resilient...

"But he also hurt you too...

"Yes he did... but I grew and I learned to roll with it... and do all I could to not let it bring me down because I had the kids to raise...
She closed her eyes.
"Charlotte I'm sorry..."

Charlotte reached over and held her mother's hand. "Mom.. you gave me away to protect my life at that time... that is selfless...because I know just by looking at you and touching your hand it killed you inside..."

Charisma smirked. "Oh you pulled the whole Chavez gifts on me... trying to see how I really felt .." she laughed. "We'll listen, I'm glad you're here now... And I'm glad that you got to meet Keegan and understand him before you met me... I don't want you to hate him... I don't want any of you to hate him... he is a good father..."

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