2. Threats

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".... Councilman Jones... good morning...

"Charlotte." The man said to her as she put a fresh coffee on his desk.

"You've got a couple of meetings today but you also have lunch with Tilly... she's booked you out for 2 hours.."

"Of course she has the woman likes to chew my ear off as well as the food.." he laughed. "But how are you?." He asked her. "How are things with your family now..."

"Good Sir, real good... I've got a whole bunch of brothers and sisters and we all get along... my father is... well, he's been amazing..."

"I would like to meet him one day... because I am just pleased that he has been able to put a smile on your face.." he said to her as she walked back out of his office.

Charlotte saw Lena standing outside of the office, she left her desk and walked out to her. "Auntie?.."

"Charlotte... we're flying out to Canada tonight on the jet... for the wedding... are you ready, and coming with us?." She asked her.

"Yeah, I'm ready... I spoke to Venice and she said dad is really happy right now..."
Lena smiled but it was half hearted.
"... but you miss my mom don't you...

 but you miss my mom don't you

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"I do... and I hate that no one has seen her or spoken to her. The fact that no one knows if she's dead or alive... I also don't like the way how everyone has moved on as if she doesn't exist after everything she did for everyone...."

"She made that choice." Charlotte said. "But I guess I can say it that way, because I've never really known her or had her in my life...All I know dad is keeping on top of his meds and he is doing well... and he's waited to hear from her... but it's been a year and he needs to move on to... I want nothing more than to see my mom and meet her... I've heard so much about her and I would love to sit with her for a while... but she didn't want me...

Lena sighed. "How's the councilman... I had no idea you were into politics...

"I studied law and politics at university... I've been part of the campaign team for years with the councilman Harding..."

"Well, it is always good to know that we have someone on the inside... your pops may bend your ear from time to time... ask you to pull a few strings.." Lena saw the look of fear on her face and laughed. "I'm messing with you girl...

"How is pops?." Charlotte smiled.

"Come by the estate later and have dinner with us before we head off to Canada... you know he would love to see you.."

"Okay:" she said and Lena jumped back in her car and left.

Charlotte had settled in well with her siblings and her father. She was very afraid of what they did, and didn't want to ever sell them out, or do anything to upset what they did, but she wasn't interested in that life, and she kept herself distanced for it. Her adopted parents had set yer up well with a university degree in law and politics, and that was the way she wanted to go.
She saw the family regularly, but she was used to being on her own. So she has moved back to LA and had resumed her place on the campaign trail with councilman Harding.
She and Venice got on well, she and Lena too. Jenson thought she was a breath of fresh air.

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