Then that familiar voice broke through in his mind. Rick, it coaxed, remember the promise you made to your father.

His father's first and last wish. How could he forget about that?

No one here understands it better than me, Rick. Only I can help you.

Words from earlier echoed in Rick's mind. You're nothing without me. The raw, unfiltered energy pulsing in every sinew and ligament in his body was a clear testament to that. Rick felt like he could take over the world again.

All you have to do is be willing to fight.

Rick looked around, the world painted under a new light. Ray stood perfectly still, dark eyes drilling into his. He lifted one long, slender finger and beckoned Rick with it.

Tell me, are you willing?

A challenge. A mockery. As if to ask if he had the courage to face him? Because if he wasn't willing it could only mean he was a coward, afraid of losing and living the rest of his life in regret for never being able to fulfil the one thing entrusted upon him by his dying father.

You leave me no choice, Rick thought. Concentrating all his might into his hands, he shot towards Ray like a bullet.

 Concentrating all his might into his hands, he shot towards Ray like a bullet

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Too late. He couldn't stop Rick's assault at Ray. They fought like the animals they were, no, had become. Andrew's side burned white hot. His leg buckled under him when he tried to stand, dizziness momentarily blurring his vision.

'You can't stop them, Andrew!' Nick's voice. 'There's nothing we can do. Come back, you're hurt! They'll k--'

'Silence!' Andrew rasped. It hurt to breathe. But he couldn't stop now. He had to do something to stall them just a little longer. Any minute now, Andrew hoped, the spell would be complete. Taking a deep, labouring breath Andrew forced his legs to stand.

'Ray, listen to me,' he said.

Upon hearing his voice the pair broke off their advances and circled each other, catching their breath. Although the hunger never left their eyes.

'You're still here?' Ray said, looking down at Andrew from a distance. 'Haven't I asked you to leave yet?' He smiled, walking over to him.

Andrew's skin prickled. A heavy force descended upon his shoulders and chest. His knees were suddenly drawn to the ground. His resistance was futile and lasted a breath before he fell on them with a thud.

'You're still breathing so that's a good sign,' Ray said, standing a metre from him. Rick was on the side, blood trickling down his temple, probably stealing a moment to heal himself.

'If you want to stay alive you'll leave,' Ray exerted more force, 'now. Or I'll suffocate you.'

The weight lifted off Andrew in an instant. Ray's dark eyes remained on him, judging, assessing. Andrew took in another shallow breath, the throbbing in his side becoming impossible to ignore by the second.

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