31| Divide

350 10 1

S. Sainz

Every hello, and every hug, and every kiss Carlos gave to me since that moment were in front of the cameras now. He made sure of his promise and paid Luka off and now he didn't show up to bother me anymore. But this felt so much worse than his meddling. I was a ghost to Carlos, a placeholder, sleeping in the same room but there was always a space between us in the bed.

It was the last race before the summer break and he was still ignoring me. I was playing a role at this point and I felt like I was completely out of place. Nobody looked at me the wrong way but I felt bad and I knew I had to leave. This wasn't the place for me anymore. I was in a crowded room of people that I didn't know.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder, jolting me so I said, "Hesu Kristo, you're going to make me shit myself." It was just Max, despite everyone in Carlos' friend group hating me, he cared. Him and Sabrina, who maybe is his girlfriend, always checked in on me constantly.

Max gave me a juice he probably got from one of the vendors and said, "You need to eat, or at least have something to drink. It's not good for your baby." My face twisted in a disapproving scowl, remembering how I had to watch Carlos win races and realise I was still keeping a big truth from him. "You have to tell him," he encouraged and I just shook my head, "He hates me too much."

"This is too big of a thing to keep from him," Max reminded and I nodded, feeling a chill run down my spine when Carlos looked over at us suspiciously. My face paled and I looked at Max to help who just gave me a hug and said, "I've got you, I promise. You are not alone." I gave him a grateful smile as he let me go and stood with me as Carlos approached us.

"What the hell are you thinking Salomé? Are you trying to start another problem for me? Do you want them to think you're dating Max?," Carlos scolded like I was an employee not doing my job. "That's enough Carlos," Max warned and tears started to well in my eyes because of Carlos' tone.

"What are you, her spokesperson now?," Carlos said in retaliation, "She's my wife and she can speak for herself." Max glared at him but I touched his arm and said, "It's okay, I can do this." I looked to Carlos and said, "I'm sorry."

"Good," he said with a satisfied smirk on his face but it only gave me a bad feeling. Max was furious, he grabbed Carlos by the collar and said, "How dare you talk to her like that? She's not something you just own, don't you know what she has-."

"Max don't! Please, just both of you focus on your race please," I begged and Carlos and Max seemed to understand and decided to leave me alone. I felt sick to my stomach. Gone were the days that Carlos respected me, he just looked at me like I was bound by the payment he made to get rid of Luka. Still, I clutched my stomach like it was the last piece of our relationship that was still alive.


C. Sainz Jr.

I can't think about her. She betrayed me and she has no right to plague my mind but she does. I need to focus on the race and stop thinking about the fact that Max is very protective of her.

Why is he being so protective of her? What is she hiding this time? It doesn't matter, I'm sick of the lies and I just want to win. And Belgium, I'd had some bad luck in Belgium in the last couple of years and this time I want to show everyone that I wasn't just some second driver to Max. I could win a world championship.

The rain fell relentlessly, transforming the asphalt of the Spa-Francorchamps circuit into a treacherous dance floor. The air was thick with tension as the engines roared to life, echoing through the Ardennes Forest. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, the beads of rain on my visor reflecting the storm that raged within me.

P E N A L T Y  |  c. ѕaιnz jr.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz