10| The Bachelorette

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January 19, 2026: West End, London

C. Sainz Jr.

We were back at the same hotel again, this time there was no ridiculous heart bed...just a normal plain queen bed which actually made me a bit sad. I quite liked having to avoid the bed and sleeping on the floor while Salomé slept on the couch. It reminded me of simpler times in Maranello. Still, a question kept nagging in my mind. I know that Esme and I went out for a date in Maranello a few days ago but Sal wasn't home when I came back. Esme and I fucked on the couch thinking that Sal was in the bedroom but she wasn't.

As soon as she went home, I checked on the bedroom to see if Sal had heard anything but she was nowhere to be found. I sat on the bed that night, disappointed. Why was I disappointed? Sal and I had no obligation to each other. Still, the bed felt empty even when I've always slept on it alone. I was snapped back into reality when Salomé said, "Carlos, you have that dumb look on your face again."

"Oh sorry, was thinking about something," I replied so she questioned, "What were you thinking about?" I sighed. I really shouldn't say what I was thinking and honestly I shouldn't even be thinking it...but I was too curious to let this go. "Where were you that night in Maranello?," I asked and she threw back a question, "Which night?"

"The night Esme and I went for a date at the local pizza restaurant at Maranello," I recounted and she gave me an annoyed look as she said, "Why does it matter? I can go out whenever I please and with whomever I please." I groaned, she's impossible.

"What do you mean whomever...you came back the next day at 12 pm," I complained, "I'm allowed to be concerned." Again, she just gave me an annoyed look as she said, "Yes that's fine but I can take care of myself and I'm with someone trusted." I raised my brow in suspicion, "Who is this someone?"

"I don't kiss and tell," she teased and I knew she wasn't going to say a damn thing to me. As much as Sal didn't like to admit it, she tended to cage herself from everyone...most especially me. "Fine, you keep your secrets," I muttered and she gave me a mischievous smile as she said, "I will."

"Can you just tell me?," I asked again and she shook her head and said, "No thank you, and if you'll excuse me...you'll let me get ready for my bachelorette party."

"You're having a bachelorette party?," I asked and she nodded then said, "Artemis and Kika put something together for me, and besides didn't Charles put something together for you right? Some sort of bachelor party...right?"

"Yes," I admitted.

"Then it's settled then, now let me get ready for my bachelorette party in peace," she demanded as she disappeared into our room, shutting the door behind her as a message that very much said, "stay out." Of course, I had to wait for a while so I called Esme to make sure she was okay. She caught a cold so she couldn't join Sal's pseudo-celebration.




Esme: Hi baby *sneezes*, sorry this cold is just awful but I always get one during winter time.

Carlos: I'm just calling to make sure you're okay. Do you need anything?

Esme: I'm fine *sneezes*, I've got everything I need here. Go enjoy your stag party, it's bad enough I have to miss Sal's party, I wish I could be there for her.

Carlos: Yeah but I'm sure the girls will make sure she comes back in one piece.

Esme: What're you up to anyways?

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