2| The Deal

505 13 1

S. Rivera

I can barely believe what I just witnessed.

My own father, is arranging me to be married to my best friend's unofficial boyfriend. Out of all people, it had to be the one man that would completely upend the life I already have.

I let the cool night air hit my skin, not giving a care that it was way too cold to just have a slip dress on. Still, I shivered. It was getting too cold but I didn't want to go back in that house.

I knew my father was up to something. For the past few weeks, he'd been increasingly agitated with me. Yesterday was the last straw. He said that I needed to get my life together because my behaviour was affecting the board's opinion of him.

Right..if he can't control his daughter then he can't control a company. What a joke. Of course, despite him saying that, the very same day I went out clubbing in Barcelona. Yet again, I was caught with another man because the media just love to meddle with my life.

Ever since I broke up with Luka, the media wanted to eat me alive. They sided with him but they don't even know half of what I'd gone through. Still, I wanted to forget. Maybe that's why I loved the nightlife so much, I could be whoever I wanted to be.

All I had through everything was Esme. This whole arranged marriage is going to ruin our friendship. But how can I even say no to my own father? He's about to freeze all my accounts and cut me off from my inheritance.

I'm completely cornered.

Suddenly I heard someone say, "I know we're in Spain but with what you're wearing, you're going to freeze to death out here." Of course it was the man himself who is somehow going to be my fiancé.

I looked at the jacket then said, "I don't need it."

"Your skin is starting to look like chicken skin because you're feeling cold, take it," he pointed out and as much as I didn't want to seem like I needed anyone, I was about to freeze to death.

Begrudgingly, I took the jacket and put it over my shoulders which made him smile a little.

"You're running away from that mess?," I asked. He shook his head and offered me his jacket then said, "Just here to check if you're okay."

"Yeah right, let me guess, your Mama told you to follow me and see if I was okay," I teased and he shrugged then said, "I guess no bullshit can pass through you huh?"

"Nope," I answered and he just rolled his eyes then said, "At first, I didn't want to escape but now I kind of do. I can't believe my papa and your papa made a deal behind our backs."

"At this point I'm not too surprised," I explained, "My father has been doing everything in his power to get me back to business school but I genuinely don't want to, I just want to be free and happy and AWAY from all of my problems."

"So why don't you want to go back to business school?," he asked and I laughed then said, "Why would I tell you? I haven't told a soul and I never will."

"That sounds like a sad life," he muttered and I just rolled my eyes then said, "I like it that way. I don't see the meaning in human connections and long-term relationships. It all seems...disappointing." 

"Wow, so bleak, and yet you want me to put a label on my relationship with Esme," he pointed out and I shrugged then answered, "I want what's best for her and my ideals don't have to align with what's best with her."

"Wow, so wise, so why aren't you in business school-"

"Enough Carlos," I said, getting uncomfortable and he seemed to notice it so he said, "I'm sorry...follow me, there's a spot at our place that I always go to when I need some time to think."

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