1| An Indecent Proposal

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December 22, 2025: Italy

C. Sainz Jr.

I don't think I've ever felt as lost as I am right now.

It was a cold night in the streets of Italy. Yes, exactly, the streets. I was attending Charles and Artemis' wedding and Dios mio, it was sickeningly cute. A few meters from here is the restaurant where I punched Charles for being seen with Artemis. It's funny what it was like for me back then, in love? If that's what I called it. I've long accepted that I was in love with an idea.

Now, I feel more than happy to celebrate their love. They got married in the street corner in Italy where they were caught "kissing". They really weren't at that time and they absolutely hated each other, but Charles told me something. On this very street corner, him and Artemis were very drunk but then she said something that changed something in him.

She said she was going to make him a better driver. From then on, he wanted her in his life for as long as he can have her. I smiled at the thought.

It would be nice to find someone for me like Charles had found Artemis, even if my own heartbreak was collateral damage. Still, I was going nowhere in life. The just married couple both won their own championship titles and I'm lacking in that category.

Suddenly, I'd gotten a text. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket.

I smiled

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I smiled.

I'd been seeing Esme for nearly a year now. It's pretty casual but still pretty exclusive but my father greatly disapproves of this. I don't know how many times he complains about me wasting my time when I simply want to take things slow and see how things go with Esme. There's nothing wrong testing the waters, right?

I was immediately pulled from my thoughts by Artemis grabbing me by the arm then saying, "Come on you lovesick pup! Join the party!"

She began to pull me in this awkward but fun dance which everyone else was doing. I smiled even wider. I want this for myself and for now I'm just enjoying myself. Charles and Artemis' wedding was simple and intimate and all we're doing is dancing in the streets of rural Italy, tipsy but otherwise completely aware of the enjoyment.

Still, it loomed in my mind.

The disappointment on Christian's face with my performance for the past two seasons and the disappointment in my father's face because he knew I was better than that.

Still, I kept my head held high. Things are going to change for me this season, I can just feel it.

Thirty-one isn't a bad age to win a world championship.


December 22, 2025: West End, London

S. Rivera

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