9| Rules of Engagement

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January 1, 2026: London, England

S. Rivera

We decided to spend the New Year's at London with Carlos' friends. Now that Esme wasn't mad at me anymore, she gladly joined our festivities. Some more of his friends joined us. Pierre's girlfriend, Kika, came in from France and Lando's girlfriend, Jasmine, came in from winter testing at Germany with her F1 team, Audi.

The clocks started counting down.







Of course, I was left next to the dining table of the hotel room, sitting down on one of the chairs since I had no one to kiss. I watched as everyone paired up to kiss someone but what I couldn't stomach to watch was Carlos eagerly kissing Esme. I quickly looked away to avoid having to torture myself but then I felt Max's hand grasp my shoulder.

"Hey there, you alright?," he asked and I nodded and he seemed to notice where I'd been looking and sighed. "Get up," he demanded and I did so in surprise. "Do you want to keep watching them or do you at least make yourself less miserable?," he asked and I looked at Carlos and Esme enjoying themselves then I looked at Max...an idea struck me. Max seemed to also get a read on that and raised his brow as if gesturing me to tell him what I had in mind.

"You're single right?," I asked and he nodded, "Haven't had time to find someone else after Kelly."

"Do you mind being my New Year's kiss?," I asked and he nearly gasped at the request. "Salomé it's not like that-."

"Well, you're single, I'm single, and you said I should do something to make myself look less miserable," I pointed out and he shook his head then said, "You're the one who told him not to pursue you and continue pursuing Esme instead. I don't know what possessed you to tell him that."

"It's because she loves him and I'm not about to get between that. She had him first," I explained and Max just shook his head and said, "Just because she had him first, doesn't mean she should continue to have him."

"Dios mio, are you gonna kiss me or what?"

Max thought for a moment. He looked at my face but his eyes trailed down to focus on my lips. He tilted his head in thought then groaned, "Fuck it." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him, the hardness of his toned abdomen becoming entirely present. Before I could even make a comment he kissed me. And for some reason...it actually felt good.


C. Sainz Jr.

Just as I pulled away from my kiss with Esme, I saw Salomé. I saw Salomé kissing Max and something in me just burst open. Was I jealous? I'm not allowed to be. I shouldn't be. I have no right. Still, I found it strange because of all that I confided in with Max. Yet again, I can't control Salomé...she wanted to keep us friends and I guess that's all it's going to boil down to in the end.

Still, why did I feel like my heart was being twisted by a throned wire, aching at the sight. I just wanted to rip his hands off her but I can't. She's not mine and she doesn't want me to be. Salomé believed that I was meant for Esme and...


I don't know what to think.


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