19| Revelations

383 9 12

Trigger Warning ⚠️: This chapter contains graphic content about sexual abuse, sexual assault, and rape. If any of this triggers you in any way, please skip this chapter.

S. Sainz

Seeing him again after all these years brought about horrible memories that I didn't want to relive at all. It felt like I was 23 all over again, and it was my birthday and I wore that green dress, happy to wear my favourite colour.

"Dolcezza, I missed you," he said, suddenly hugging me, he pulled me tighter to his chest even when I. hadn't hugged him back. I was frozen as he whispered in my ear, "Do you really think you could escape me hmm? Getting married to some race car driver, I will always haunt you...you know that? I own you. So why don't you stop playing these silly games with me and come back to me hmm?"


June 22, 2019: Oxford University

Despite how tumultuous my relationship with Luka started. I eventually forgave him. He apologised and started showing up every night. Everyday he'd give me my favourite flowers, and every night he'd help me with dinner and we'd eat together and actually made the arrangement work. Today was my birthday, and I felt amazing. There really was nothing special about turning 23 but it felt special to me because I felt happy for once in my life. I was graduating soon and I felt like everything was coming into place.

I didn't need an alarm because I was always woken up with kisses nowadays. As if on cue, I felt Luka kiss me in the lips knowing I was already awake and just pretending to sleep. "Dolcezza, no need to be closing your eyes, I want to see those beautiful brown eyes of yours." He kissed me on each eyelid and whispered against my forehead, "Wake up now Mi amore," then kissed me on the same spot.

"I made you breakfast," he said as I opened my eyes  while he scooped me up into his arms. I chuckled and kissed his soft lips then said, "Hmm, are you the breakfast, I'm not opposed to that." Luka chuckled then kissed me and said, "Hmm, when you say things like that...I might just change my plans." He kissed me deeper this time and I loved every bit of it. His hands gripped my waist tight as he lifted me to sit on his waist.

"Excited for me?," I teased and he chuckled and trailed kisses down to my neck as he said, "It's just the morning Mi Amore, don't flatter yourself."  I moved my hips against him and he groaned saying, "Careful, I might just not make you leave and keep you in this bed Salomé." I smiled and let him kiss me again but suddenly he lifted me up again and carried me to the kitchen of our flat. He let me sit on one of the chairs in front of the kitchen island and said, "Eat up, I made you some coffee and eggs benedict on toast."

I smiled, liking the gesture but I don't know how many times I've mentioned that I didn't like these kinds of things for breakfast and preferred Moroccan dishes for breakfast like my mamá always makes me. I looked away for a second and then suddenly Luka had a birthday cake in his hand, a candle lit somehow without me noticing as he sang, "Happy birthday to you~."

"Happy Birthday to you~."

"Happy Birthday, mi amore~."

"Happy Birthday to you~."

"Go on, blow the candle," he said, and I smiled and blew it then teased, "Thank you old man, I'm 23 now and what are, 30?"

"I'm 27 Sal," he warned and I laughed and said, "Come join me for breakfast." He nodded and joined in. He teased by wiping some frosting on my nose and I took revenge and wiped frosting all over his face. He laughed and took a chunk off the cake and threw it at me and the whole morning turned into a full on cake fight.

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