"Im done" - Hailey Upton

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--------------Nurses POV------------

Hailey has been in the hospital for a while now. At first she was super openly afraid of everything, but now she kind of just sits there and stares into space but we are looking at discharging her today.

-----------------Voights POV---------------
I've spent all morning on the phone trying to get ahold of Jay, but with no luck the commander said it's "not important enough to bother him with" so now I'm just trying to just get in contact with him again even though its probably pointless I still have to try

----------------Haileys POV------------------
The nurse just came in and gave me my discharge papers, I signed them and they told me I was free to leave

But I don't have my car here, and I don't want to bother any of the team to come get me, plus I just want to be alone, I don't want to deal with their sympathy looks and them walking on eggshells around me

I get what they're trying to do, and yeah quite honestly most of them do scare me, God everything scares me now and I hate it I hate all of it

But, I called a taxi and waited out front for it to show up, it said it was a red Honda civic, and the drivers name was Samantha Robin's

The car pulled up and after asking her what her name was and verifying it, I got in and gave her the address

She dropped me off and I payed her, and then here i was home at last, except it wouldn't really be home without Jay, but that's a whole other thing

I typed in the padlock code on the front door, the date we met. It looked almost exactly as it did before he took me

I threw my stuff down, and climbed into bed

I just don't understand, why did he leave? Did they even look for me? Does he know they found me?

But who am I kidding he probably thinks I'm weak and stupid since I let myself get kidnapped that's what Booth always told me, and it's true I was so stupid and so weak to let this happen

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